Rochester 2GV Bad Hesitation

ok i now have the timing set 16 degrees BTC. It runs alot better at highway speeds but hesitates off idle. it doesnt get hot and starts fine. will it hurt to run it like this?

did you check the balancer to make sure it's not slipped? as i said on the mopar muscle forum....look into the carb and give the pump a squirt. I know you said it was working, but make sure the stream is strong and flows for for a reasonable amount of time. it it squirts and stops almost immediately, you may need to adjust (bend) the pump arm linkage. it might not be operating the pump to the the extent of it's travel. Just a thought. and no, as long as you hear no detonation, the timing will be fine. i would still double check the balancer. if it's slipped, it will slip more. if it comes off at highway speed, it will booger up whatever it comes in contact with.