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  • I'm looking for my track # 394 in white, two sets for the side windows 2"w by 3"t and two sets for front and back windows 3"w by 4"t. I would like them to be in a cursive Style with a slight slant forward. I don't think this is a p.m. but as far as I can figure out the new format this is the best I can do for now. LOL thank you for your response to my thread and looking forward to what you have. Thank you, Jason.
    had the pleasure of meeting and dealing with cal this weekend.real nice guy.hope i get to deal with him again soon.thanks cal,kent
    sorry bout not getting your glasses in on the 1st update it ws timeing you got it in i was in the at the end of making the list lmao Your in ther now lol thanks man your doing a really good thing . God bless you
    Two more of those Pontiac emblem signs are in my future thanks to your post on the FGF Forum (one's already here). Thanks again for showing it off to your pals!!! :-D
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