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  1. Daves69

    Cluth Pedal Linkage to Z-Bar

    Yes, convex face toward the rubber bushing.
  2. Daves69

    How about pics of car you got your first drivers license in.

    Did my driver license test in Dad's '69 Delta Royale same color as this off the net........... A couple years later the cycle license test on my brothers '74 Honda 360T like this from the net........
  3. Daves69

    Cluth Pedal Linkage to Z-Bar

    Many of the adjuster nuts had slots in them that are collapsed onto the rod flat forming a light lock as it's pressed into the D taper of the washer. Similar to a "flex" nut. Many just use a second nut as a jam nut.
  4. Daves69

    What diameter flywheel does this bellhousing take

  5. Daves69

    440 6 pack issues

    Ya' might check some videos by Back 9 on youtube. A couple of several below. The second one is pretty important (IMO) for those new to the sixpack setup.
  6. Daves69

    Vintage Direct Connection parts. Let’s see em!

    An old manifold boxed up for a long while now in extended hibernation................. But Springs a'coming............ Not DC but one day this was dropped on the doorstep.............
  7. Daves69

    Looking for unubtanium part ideas

    There may be a limited market for these ........
  8. Daves69

    Front disc brakes locking up, 72 Duster

    This^^ :thumbsup: You might also consider some temporary shims/spacers prior to that.
  9. Daves69

    Clutch Pedal Return

    At a certain point of pedal upward travel the OC spring should be pulling the pedal up to the stop ABRUPTLY. Is this the case when you meet that point pulling it with your toe?
  10. Daves69

    Clutch Pedal Return

    Your picture may not be good enough to show the OC spring. Anyway, I believe it works such as this....... The over center spring is what returns the pedal to the stock up stop once the pedal is past the over center position. It also assists your leg when pushing the pedal to the floor with a B&B...
  11. Daves69


    That's exactly why I haven't attempted to pop the dent out of mine, and it's more accessible than the OP's.
  12. Daves69

    [Found!] Floor shifter

    New or used? Summit has some FWD/REV patterns on sale (last day today) @GTX JOHN may still have 10% discount codes available.
  13. Daves69

    Eastwood CONTOUR SCT® - Surface Conditioning Tool

    I used the Eastwood on my front clip parts. I feel it does what they say it does, then too, I'm not one that's into body work or how it compares to disc sanding/stripping. It makes quite a mess.......all over, and on you as it throws most straight back. Some sort of vac attachment could help...
  14. Daves69

    Weird Bulb Behavior

    Is the socket contact plate twisting in the socket when you twist the bulb in and shorting between both?
  15. Daves69

    Should i keep or sell 1983 lebaron converible

    My '85 more door was OK transportation............ Definitely not indestructible though............
  16. Daves69

    Exhaust tips identification please!!!!

    FWIW, from my '69..........
  17. Daves69

    Revel chrome paint

    :thumbsup::thumbsup:Nice job! You have me wanting to tear my IP out now! Did you use any special primer?
  18. Daves69

    Electronic Conversion Kit

    Didn't it come with this...............
  19. Daves69

    Help with garnish panel install on 69 Cuda FB.

    Maybe this helps. Passenger side. Cam is inside looking outward................
  20. Daves69

    Vintage Direct Connection parts. Let’s see em!

    Conversation pieces these days. :) Here's another........
  21. Daves69

    BB oil pan discussion

    Go for it!:thumbsup:
  22. Daves69

    BB oil pan discussion

    Hmm, Rock shows same replacements. Maybe steering box location difference?
  23. Daves69

    BB oil pan discussion

    FWIW, you may encounter an issue with a hard right turn. Not too long ago another member had to modify theirs..........
  24. Daves69

    Clutch fork / adjustment rod / torque shaft....

    The SB guys will be better to answer this. There may be some spacing differences.
  25. Daves69

    Clutch fork / adjustment rod / torque shaft....

    If you're installing headers, for ease of installation, you'll want the powertrain as close to the stock location as possible. Unfortunately, it's really hard to tell what's afoul with your single picture. Maybe you could post some pictures of your engine and trans mounts. Someone may see...
  26. Daves69

    Backspacing and Offset - the never ending headache of wheel shopping

    You could put her up on stands and check your clearances fairly easy. I think you need at minimum 1/2" - 3/4" clearance from inner wheel well, leaf springs, outer wheel well and the expected tire bulge. Check both sides not just one. A straight edge off the brake drum and a tape to measure.
  27. Daves69

    Clutch fork / adjustment rod / torque shaft....

    Maybe check your engine location if you haven't as yet..........
  28. Daves69

    Headlight Bezel Retaining Hardware

  29. Daves69

    Vetting a Formula S

    FWIW, my '69 FB does not have front TB's. BH29H9B XXXXXX