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  1. moparmarkk

    Cranks but doesn't start using the key. Starts when using a remote starter switch.

    when you use a remote starter switch you by pass the neutral safety switch
  2. moparmarkk

    Wiring Harness for 1973 Duster

    I have a 73 Dart wiring harness, have to pull it out, let me know ,mark
  3. moparmarkk

    1973 Plymouth Duster

    I Have a 73 Dart with Factory harness, Mark
  4. moparmarkk

    spark plug wires

    was hoping someone out there had a nos factory set, if not ill make my own thanks for all the input ,mark
  5. moparmarkk

    spark plug wires

    Any company make a good set of spark plug wires , in orange for a /6 thanks ,mark
  6. moparmarkk

    Electrical or ground issue?

    how about getting factory manual and shoot the wires with the mulimeter?
  7. moparmarkk

    mini starter solenoid stud relocation

    thanks for the info,mark
  8. moparmarkk

    Lights out

    No,a A-10 Warthog
  9. moparmarkk

    71 duster electrical

    i would bet on stereo feed wire and clear bulb is the fuse,mark
  10. moparmarkk

    Alternator charging, need help

    yes it will,it can turn ether way and charge,i'd like to see it when it is working,mark