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  1. moparmarkk

    Front end alignment results

    Thanks Inertia
  2. moparmarkk

    Front end alignment results

    Hi can somebody post the Shosh chart? thanks mark
  3. moparmarkk

    Moog 7103's

    Thanks Everyone for the help, mark
  4. moparmarkk

    Moog 7103's

    could you send a pic or two ,i dont get it ,but thanks for the reply, mark
  5. moparmarkk

    Moog 7103's

    Hi ,just got a set of 7103's from rock auto,inside each box there is a metal washer that is dimpled, what are they for? thanks mark
  6. moparmarkk

    Wheel Base Question

    thank you all ,mark
  7. moparmarkk

    Wheel Base Question

    Do Dusters and Dart Sports have the same wheel base? thanks mark
  8. moparmarkk

    Lca rubber bush that fit

    whats the link to proforged? mark
  9. moparmarkk

    frame connectors

    thanks junkyardhero ,mark
  10. moparmarkk

    frame connectors

    Hi looking for info on bolt in frame connectors for a 76 dart swinger 118 in wheel base i think ,mark
  11. moparmarkk

    super stock springs

    hellrats,thanks for the pic,they are going on a swinger, toolmanmike,already have the springs ,thanks guys, mark
  12. moparmarkk

    super stock springs

    Hi,anybody running two 002 springs on their car? how does it sit? pics? thanks ,mark
  13. moparmarkk

    More needed caster?

    and sorry for your loss ,mark
  14. moparmarkk

    More needed caster?

    rear one to the boby front one to the fender ?
  15. moparmarkk

    Hope this is not true. Moog Offset Upper control arm bushings.

    so front arrow to the ball joint and rear to the body?
  16. moparmarkk

    More needed caster?

    thanks KENDOG
  17. moparmarkk

    More needed caster?

    67 dart,do you have the part number for the offset bushings? and who makes them ,thanks mark
  18. moparmarkk


    thanks for both replys, ordered from mancini ,mark
  19. moparmarkk


    Hi can someone on here help, need to get 4 u-bolts ,new for a 7 1/4 rear end in a 75 dart sport, local parts house has no listing , part number and source / thanks mark
  20. moparmarkk

    where to find a manual steer gear and column

    maybe hi on shipping,let me know what you want to do when everything calms down some,good luck ,mark
  21. moparmarkk

    where to find a manual steer gear and column

    I have 71 duster parts car with manual steering if you want i'll go and check column,i know the box is there,mark
  22. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    Thanks 72bluNblu
  23. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    Dartnut,yes it was,you put it up so people can steal some of your ideas right? thanks
  24. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    I'm using a later model center section,mark
  25. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    Thanks to all that replied,was trying to do it at home.I'll get it welded.dartnut nice build,thanks,mark
  26. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    Can you enplane that,I need 1/2 inch per side? Mark
  27. moparmarkk

    B-body 83/4 into a A-body

    Hi, have a 73 duster that I want to install a 65 B-body 83/4 into,does anybody know if the offset spring hangers that are for sale will work without any welding? Tanks Mark
  28. moparmarkk

    Hemi Denny

    did not see him in the vendor section
  29. moparmarkk

    Hemi Denny

    hi,sent a pm,just waiting for a reply now,thanks guys,mark