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  1. Plymouth 65

    Make up my mind...

    Mopar Performance look great on your engine. If you can get the air cleaner it would be even better! 65
  2. Plymouth 65

    Starter Problem and a few others

    Too much initial timing can cause the engine to kick back and break the nose off the starter, just like your pictures. 65
  3. Plymouth 65

    More Than One Type of 90* Oil Filter Adapter?

    Fit, yes due to the different angles. Function, not that I'm aware of. 65
  4. Plymouth 65

    More Than One Type of 90* Oil Filter Adapter?

    The early V8 A bodies used a true 90 degree adapter and didn't come in aluminum only cast iron. The later V8 adapter is not truly 90 degrees but comes in both aluminum and cast iron. 65
  5. Plymouth 65

    Hotchkis leaf springs?

    I have a new set that I'd like to install. Well made springs with very nice clamps. I know that's not much help to you, just wanted to comment on the quality. 65
  6. Plymouth 65

    Hastings rings ends gaps for KB 243 pistons

    KB pistons have the top ring placement higher on the piston. That's the reason for the larger top ring gap. They list a minimum ring gap specification that should be followed. Going 0.010' larger than the minimum specification will be fine. You can go even more for boosted or nitrous...
  7. Plymouth 65

    Torqstorm 360 magnum

    Sounds great, I'll bet she'll run great too! 65
  8. Plymouth 65

    1965/64/68/70 Barracuda

    Has a factory tach, nice! 65
  9. Plymouth 65

    1969 Barracuda formula S 340-4 speed

    Looks to have been in a fire. 65
  10. Plymouth 65

    What timing cover are you using with a 7.3 inch damper

    The early 273 timing cover uses the bolts on timing tab, not the casted one as pictured. 65
  11. Plymouth 65

    68 Cuda Funny Car

    Nice, definitely would be nice to know the history on the car. Great build. 65
  12. Plymouth 65

    65 Barracuda - Seatbelt mount points?

    The mounting holes are already there. You just need the seatbelts and bolts. 65
  13. Plymouth 65

    Working on a new instrument cluster for the 64 Valiant

    Nice work, I like the Mopar gauges! 65
  14. Plymouth 65

    So... What did I buy?

    I agree with 71GSSDemon, replacement blocks didn't have VIN numbers. That is a 318-3 truck crankshaft, I have one of those hard to find pieces. RRR is correct front throw is not drilled through, nice score! 65
  15. Plymouth 65

    Finally found a decent solution

    Nice and clean looking, not like the bolted strap type. 65
  16. Plymouth 65

    Solid Lifters?

    I'll research the edm solid lifters. I did come across them in my search. 65
  17. Plymouth 65

    Solid Lifters?

    I'm most likely going to have a custom cam ground based on my purpose/set up. I'll talk to a couple cam grinders for a recommendation. 65
  18. Plymouth 65

    Solid Lifters?

    I have a set of original 273 straight wall solid lifters I was considering having refaced. The grinding cost about the same as a new set of solid lifters. What's the best way to go? 65
  19. Plymouth 65

    Solid Lifters?

    I'm planning to building another 340 engine for my Duster drag car. I'm planning on solid lifters. I'm aware of the 2 styles, dumbell and straight wall. Other than the mass, is there a preference of which lifter style to use? 65
  20. Plymouth 65

    1965 Valiant 200 convertible project in Finland

    Nice work so far, looks very well done. Keep up the good work! 65
  21. Plymouth 65

    Spun bearing question

    Could you yes, should you no. 65
  22. Plymouth 65

    Drag Car Wiring Advice

    After market wiring harness, determine how many circuits you need and order accordingly. I'd include brake lights, even for a drag car. 65