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  1. E

    Bostonian 71 demon

    What is the name of the shop that will be welding your roll cage ? I would be interested in seeing that outcome. I had a similar problem in the same area on a 66 Plymouth Hemi Super Stocker and I had to use a mirror with alot of practice first as you have to tell your hands the opposite of what...
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    Bostonian 71 demon

    Those bars that are on an angle to stiffen the bars going to the front of the car thru the firewall, are you going to tig them in all the way around 360 ? Have you ever welded using a mirror ? I see there's a blind spot there where you can't get your head.
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    Building a new 505 With Callies / Mopar Performance Block

    The 216 number is my work/landline, no good ! Replace with 419-433-4101, I have three pics to send you or I can stop out today . I have an idea that will work, text me.
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    Building a new 505 With Callies / Mopar Performance Block

    you said you have my number , Is the area code 419 ? that is the right number to text me on. I can stop by today and look see, and you can follow me home, I'll weld it and you will be done !
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    Need Help! Big Block electric water pump to engine plate information.

    I can tell you without a doubt that modifying the water pump housing is way cheaper than the new billet pump ! I wanted to send you a PM but it tells me I am at the limit of 15 and I don't know how to delete. Can I get you my # or get yours and we can text.
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    Need Help! Big Block electric water pump to engine plate information.

    I have cut that exit off the waterpump and kicked the exit for the hose out as much or as little as you need to make it work and look good, let me know
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    Need Help! Big Block electric water pump to engine plate information.

    Looking at yours again I just saw that your fitting is coming out of the block and ours is coming out of our Milidon pump plate which is lower, sorry . You will most likely have to switch to the Miezere and see which of their fittings will clear your stuff or change over to AN braided. If you...
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    Building a new 505 With Callies / Mopar Performance Block

    We didn't use that 45 out of the pump I'm thinking, if I knew how to take & post a pic I would. We have the same set up and everything clears. I'll see if I can get my buddy in Twinsburg Twp. to get a pic and post. Where are you dynoing your motor ?
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    Building a new 505 With Callies / Mopar Performance Block

    Everything looks nice, that pan looks good the way they did the fittings for the pickup. My buddy has been waiting for his intermediate shaft from Milidon with the bronze gear forever and nobody seems to have any. Do you have any extras ?
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    Where to get a Six Pack carb replated like original

    Get ahold of Dave @ Woodruff Carbs, he's a sponsor on this site and his plating is spot on 100%. You will not be disappointed
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    Quincy Air Compressor Help needed

    I agree with Mopar Head, I love old stuff and refurbish it. I have a Westinghouse that I found in the early 80's still works perfect but did have to tune up the reed valves . Working on a disc/belt sander from the 50's made by Atlas Press in Mich. the castings & machine work are something you...
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    1930 dodge roadster

    We are currently making some adapters to put a 904/727 behind those early Hemi's. It comes with the crank ring that allows the torque convertor snout to locate in it. That clutchflight would be good for someone restoring an old match race car.
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    Petty enterprises pro stock duster build

    Ron, I'm in Ohio not that far from Mars, what do you get for the steel version of the 63 Max Wedge and 66-67 Hemi scoops ?
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    A little cam tech for those interested

    That Daniel Powell who IS Powell machine is a great no nonsense type of a guy. I really enjoy his information on his video's. He is my kind of guy for sure !
  15. E

    Spare parts prices

    I have a late 40's early 50's Crosley fridge in my garage to keep my beer ice cold ! Seal on the door is still intact and works perfect. Oh and don't let them tell you it cost a fortune to run it ! Bullshit !
  16. E

    how many cars do you have?

    1963 Plymouth Savoy MW clone, 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 post, 1967 Camaro SS/RS BB 4spd., (2) 1972 340 Dusters,1972 Plymouth Satellite 4dr.,1984 Dodge D350 4dr. pickup.1992 Dodge Dakota 318, 1998 Dodge Caravan,2003 Ford Escort ZX-2, 2003 Volvo V40 (for niece), 2006 Dodge Caravan, (2) 24' enclosed...
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    440 Pistons, How F*cked am I

    Hey RAMM, Are your pistons +.030 ?
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    Bostonian 71 demon

    With the aluminum inner fenders ,what is going to help strengthen the frame rails to carry the load of the torque from the solid mounted engine plate? Very nice work, I love the car !
  19. E

    Not something I would eat but you guys may like this on a cool Fall day.

    That pasta Fagulli looks excellent, I make mine a little different but I like yours also. Are you coming out to Norwalk in Sept. ?
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    72 Duster Sharktooth grill to fit on a 70 Duster possible?

    Has anyone ever bought a "sharkstooth" grille new back in the day when you could still get them from the dealership parts counter ? I wonder what an NOS grille would cost today ?
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    Ok guys I tried making some meatballs

    I take it that in Pa. the ex is not entitled to 50% of everything as is here in Ohio ! And I was born in Pa. just outside of Pittsburgh.
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    Barn Find!!!! Well not really......

    HEMI with a stck and OD all the way ! Best bang for the money spent
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    Fall is coming. Here’s a soup recipe for you all.

    Thank you, I will make that for sure !
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    Cheap eating tonight

    Hey John, I always look for that chicken thigh deal for .99lb also ! I brine/marinade mine with Frank's,lemon juice, worchestershire for a day or two and throw them on the grill and try to get the skin crispy. looks good
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    Almost time to pull out

    John, We are fed just as much salt brine as you guys in Pa. Isn't there a big refinerey in the north western Pa. near the Kinzua dam ? Could the added cost of fuel in your state be because of leadership ? (taxes) maybe ?
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    Almost time to pull out

    Why is fuel so much more in Pa. ?
  27. E

    '51 331 Hemi with 904 auto trans

    I am in the process of making billet 5/8 thick aluminum adapters with the pieces that bolts to the crank/flexplate that centers the snout on the convertor. You will see them on here when I get them done. The first one goes to my friend Mel.
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    shots from the garage...

    who built the "K" frame ?
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    Building a new 505 With Callies / Mopar Performance Block

    I have Milidons "whale tail'' swinging pick-up, dual line if you want it, just replace it when you get yours !
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    Opinions Wanted

    If it was left alone and the patina kept just as it was it could have been not painted but once you did anything on the outside now you have to match it. nice Detroit sheet metal