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    Omaha Orange. Swiped from the interweb… too cool not to.
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    Porsche 917
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    [WANTED] Instrument cluster for 69 Dart

    Wanted: instrument cluster for 69 Dart. Belzel is not necessary
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    Random pictures thread

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    Random pictures thread

    Doesn’t get any better!
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    Random pictures thread

    Look at this 30th Infantry Division Willys jeep in Malmedy Belgium 80 years ago today. ❄️
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    Random pictures thread

    The only car I vividly remember is the 6 wheel F1 Tyrell The other memories are scantly clad girls, drunks, and smell of weed.. the 90’s BUD at the Glenn was much much crazier.
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    Random pictures thread

    Watkins Glen 1972 : Denny Hulme and Peter Revson with McLaren M20. Fortunately my father took us to many races at the Glenn in late 60’s early 70’s.
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    Looks so good in orange…
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    Random pictures thread

    My son was also 9 1/4 lbs and 24” at birth. He’s now 6’ 6” 220 lbs!
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    99 Geoff Bodine & Richie Evens
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    Random pictures thread

    This has always been a favorite of mine
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    [WANTED] Bucket seat brackets 69 A-Body

    Looking for drivers side seat tracks that will work for a 69 GTS I will purchase a set if necessary thanks
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    [WANTED] Bucket seat brackets 69 A-Body

    Looking for drivers side seat tracks that will work for a 69 GTS I will purchase a set if necessary thanks
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    Random pictures thread

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    Random pictures thread
