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  1. 999yards


    Red light therapy and 150mg cbd gummy relieves the arthritis in my neck and migraines. Now I can sleep all night.
  2. 999yards

    BadSport AKA Bruce Chandler

    Bruce was a good man. I'll miss him around here. My heart-felt condolences.
  3. 999yards

    Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

    I've been out of shooting since around 2005 but I'd say Bob White of Shooters Corner, Leonard Baity in Wilkesboro nc, or Bruce Bayer from Pennsylvania can help you with your French gun. Their names will show up if you Google them.
  4. 999yards

    Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

    I bought an Air Venturi Avenger with the wood stock in 25 cal. Put an air rifle supressor on and a night vision scope. Its unbelievable how accurate and quite an air rifle can be. It will shoot slugs (looks like a pistol bullet) at around 1.5" at 100 yards. Lifts a milk jug full of water...
  5. 999yards

    East coast road trip need tips

    I grew up in AB. Amos Mosquito's is a good one, good people own it.
  6. 999yards

    the great mask debate

    Ok. Well now you don't have to guess. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Review - Intervention Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses Tom JeffersonLiz DooleyEliana...
  7. 999yards

    the great mask debate

    How did the whole mask thing end up working out?
  8. 999yards

    Wi-Fi device detection

    Maybe use this as an opportunity to buy a thermal imaging rifle scope or monocular and look for a hot spot.
  9. 999yards

    Elon just bought GM?????

    I believe that in many ways, if not in every way, China is already where the NWO wants to be. They are totally authoritarian/technocratic, and economically BRICS will crush the US. The US is rapidly failing. The only stability in the future that I can see will be from the BRICS nations...
  10. 999yards

    I hate global warming

    I stopped reading here. "However, warming is expected to continue in the future as human actions continue to emit greenhouse gases, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. Climate models project that if emissions continue, by 2050, Greenland temperatures will exceed anything seen since...
  11. 999yards

    I hate global warming

    Someone mentioned that its about the big picture.....
  12. 999yards

    Prayers for the wife

    I will pray for you guys.
  13. 999yards

    What To Look For In A Sailboat

    It was nice but as a kid I didn't know any different. I appreciate it more now. Found memories of my little brother and I playing with GI Joe dolls on the deck while we were underway, visiting different marinas up down the coast and meeting new girls in the marinas as we grew older. Lots of...
  14. 999yards

    What To Look For In A Sailboat

    I literally grew up on a sailboat, lived aboard as a small kid traveling with my parents every summer. I had my Coast Guard Auxiliary Captains license at 15 through the Sea Cadets. Best advice I've read here and agree with is find an experienced surveyor of sailboats. The guys here...
  15. 999yards

    the great mask debate

    Already stated. Flatten the curve = lengthen the duration. Everyone will get it. "There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like...
  16. 999yards

    Covid 19 / Coronavirus

    Undercover video from Nurse. If this is true and it seems to be, you should be pissed.
  17. 999yards

    Covid 19 / Coronavirus

    I don't know if this will help but they're still researching AIDs/HIV. But here's what we do know; it's no longer at pandemic levels. That's good news.
  18. 999yards

    Tesla Tower Resurrected From the Dead in Texas

    They are still in business for some reason. If you're interested you might want to take a quick study of Zenneck surface waves. I have no idea what these guys are attempting but I wouldn't equate old antenna theory with what they are trying. A quick glimpse of their board and you'll find...
  19. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking? I use this one. I think it's a good value.
  20. 999yards

    Nobel Prize in Physiology- Self Regulation Autoimmune System

    It's legit. Can you imagine preparing for years to make the climb and here comes a guy in shorts and no shirt. Unbelievable really. He also ran a marathon in shorts above the arctic or polar circle. His students are able to do the same.
  21. 999yards

    Nobel Prize in Physiology- Self Regulation Autoimmune System

    Wim Hoff has stumbled upon an important discovery for fighting of disease. Obviously now would be the time for folks to take him seriously. Everyone can do this at home. Short video
  22. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking?

    Yes and in my opinion I wouldn't buy a whole set of chisels if costs are a consideration. I like buying great chisels one at a time. I especially like the Rob Cosman IBC chisel. The handle unscrews and the bottom of the chisel is perfectly flat all the way to the end of the threads. Also...
  23. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking?

    I would do like Mattax says and to add to that a router plane would also clean it up nicely. I will say that the value of extremely sharp and perfectly flat chisels and plane blades cannot be overstated. Especially when working cross grain. Veritas Router Plane - Lee Valley Tools
  24. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking?

    Yes its sits on the copper plate. It allows for discrete storage, chilling of the water, and ofcourse disinfection.
  25. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking?

    Thank you. It is a prototype for the cannabis ancillary market. The copper plate has a thermoelectric coupler (peltier device) underneath it. The copper plate gets ice cold which chills a (glass of water). The LED'S which surround the plate are 472nm (blue) which in an environment less...
  26. 999yards

    Replacement tractor

    I have the small Kubota 18hp 4x4 with the bucket and mower. Its perfect for a small wooded yard like mine. 4 acres. Its light, and most importantly doesn't have enough power to bend or brake anything. I've used New Hollands in the 35 to 80hp range and they were tough as well. Also a grey...
  27. 999yards

    For Retired Hippies Only. What are you listening to?

    These cats got down in the day.
  28. 999yards

    Anyone here know woodworking?

    By the way, never run out of toilet paper again.