2 barrel Hemi!!!!!!



May 8, 2020
Reaction score
Tampa Bay Florida
Yep, lol! Was running low 7s with one of the owners of Tampa V-Twin. She is 2x my weight.




2 cylinders out of a radial aircraft engine.
You may be quite correct! I prefer to think of it as the front 1/4 of a 340, with Hemi chambers (baby Hemi) lol! But I've really never researched much about the engineering aspect of the Ironheads.. you'd think I would have. I've had that thing for 20 years! You know since you said that, and I stepped back, and looked at my pictures, I can actually visualize that and see it! That makes total sense and I know a lot of the old Rolls-Royce Merlin engines were Hemis
You may be quite correct! I prefer to think of it as the front 1/4 of a 340, with Hemi chambers (baby Hemi) lol! But I've really never researched much about the engineering aspect of the Ironheads.. you'd think I would have. I've had that thing for 20 years! You know since you said that, and I stepped back, and looked at my pictures, I can actually visualize that and see it! That makes total sense and I know a lot of the old Rolls-Royce Merlin engines were Hemis
Yes they were. That's where the Hemi started from what I understand.
That's s Factory fuel tank. Ain't to many around! Bike was built in 77 and 78 there were 11 models left over titled for 1979 which were built in 78 actually... I believe it was 3,124 of them made totally over the two years


First Harley with dual front disc's, also a few other Historical facts.. once I start putting her back together, maybe I'll remember more! Lol I've got a lot going on these days, and my brain isn't quite right especially with the covid fog from that pneumonia crap and everything else going on...
Bike is mostly original, except for heavily ported, oversized valve cylinder heads, .565 lift cams, forged Manley pistons, pushrods, S@S intake and carb, a few other things
Great scoot, I’m a fan of the murdercycles.
Thanks Brother! Much Appreciated! This bike was only available in two colors black and black! Lol I did see one someone did with white and I thought it looked kind of cool, but the XLCR never left the factory, available only in Black
I got to pick up my fuel tank badges from and my gas cap from my Mopar Brother Big Al, that painted the tins for me. All the parts on the bike were all fiberglass (the only two pieces of metal on the body work was the gas tank and the oil tank) bikini fairing, seat Mount, front fender, etc, everything else was fiberglass. I rode this thing to work everyday, with my Carpenters belt strapped around my chest and Sawzall and a skill saw sticking out of the saddlebags.. I was a little bit younger then like 15-20 years younger...
Badass bike, @Ironracer . Thanks for sharing. How are you doing. Feeling better now?
Hey HarrisonM ! how you been doing? I'm still coughing up yellow crap but my oxygen levels are around 95 to 97 I'm out of shape I lost 30 lb my muscles atrophied but all in all I'm able to get up and move around I was on death's door before I firmly believe you guys in your prayers actually help save my life
Thanks Brother! Much Appreciated! This bike was only available in two colors black and black! Lol I did see one someone did with white and I thought it looked kind of cool, but the XLCR never left the factory, available only in Black
They should all only come in black. Harley-Davidson makes motorcycles, everyone else makes ****.
Hey HarrisonM ! how you been doing? I'm still coughing up yellow crap but my oxygen levels are around 95 to 97 I'm out of shape I lost 30 lb my muscles atrophied but all in all I'm able to get up and move around I was on death's door before I firmly believe you guys in your prayers actually help save my life

That is good to hear. Prayers will continue. If your oxygen levels are that good now, it sounds like you lungs are much better. Has the doctor cleared you to start doing light exercise yet? It will take a while to get your strength back.
Keep up the good work,
That is good to hear. Prayers will continue. If your oxygen levels are that good now, it sounds like you lungs are much better. Has the doctor cleared you to start doing light exercise yet? It will take a while to get your strength back.
Keep up the good work,
Thank You Mike! It's taking a while to get my strength back definitely! Heck the doctors are so silly the first two that diagnosed me sent me away from the hospital with no antibiotics and a "go back to work note" immediately. That's where things went wrong because they didn't listen, the third ER specialist, was the one that said "you have 24 to 48 hours to live" I had to borrow oxygen tanks in a home oxygen concentrator for a retired cop friend of mine, because the nurse at the pulmonologist couldn't be bothered giving me oxygen there so after walking from the waiting room to where I got weighed in to my little room there she had me stand for 5 minutes with the meter on my finger while I came up from 84% to 88%! I should have had borrowed my fiance photograph that and raised total hell about it, because insurance would have covered oxygen tanks and the oxygen machine.. other than being beat up from it and seeing blood vessels in my forehead I never thought I'd see before and being forced to sell my place, for penny's on the dollar, I came out of it pretty good! I'm still here, and I'm moving around, Thank God for Y'all Man! Much love for You Guys and I Thank You All so Much for All the Prayers! You guys are severely righteous people! Also, since we're all here I definitely need to thank my fiance Barbie and my retired cop friend Richard, but most importantly the Good Lord Himself, and Jesus!
Much Appreciate all the Love!
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You may be quite correct! I prefer to think of it as the front 1/4 of a 340, with Hemi chambers (baby Hemi) lol! But I've really never researched much about the engineering aspect of the Ironheads.. you'd think I would have. I've had that thing for 20 years! You know since you said that, and I stepped back, and looked at my pictures, I can actually visualize that and see it! That makes total sense and I know a lot of the old Rolls-Royce Merlin engines were Hemis
I know zero about Harley's, are those factory pistons or aftermarket high compression pistons?
I know zero about Harley's, are those factory pistons or aftermarket high compression pistons?
Well, being an actual Hemi head engine, with the 180° hemispherical combustion chamber, you can get away with pop-ups like that, without a bunch of unnecessary modifications. However those are Forged Custom built racing Pistons from Manley. Very few of those were manned, in fact, they are not even available these days, haven't been since the 70's Brother!
Well, being an actual Hemi head engine, with the 180° hemispherical combustion chamber, you can get away with pop-ups like that, without a bunch of unnecessary modifications. However those are Forged Custom built racing Pistons from Manley. Very few of those were manned, in fact, they are not even available these days, haven't been since the 70's Brother!
Wow, like I was saying I don't know anything about Harley's. Thanks for sharing the info
I'm a sucker for those XLCR. Now I know why you go by Ironracer? Keep getting well!!