A small sample



Restore it, Dont part it!
Aug 10, 2011
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I am moving some of my old stuff to a new storage location and pulled out a few of my old model cars and some of my old Johnny lighting diecasts this is a very small sample hopefully I can get some pics of some of the rest of them as I move more stuff.










Very nice collection! I'd be careful where I stored them, I had mice get into some of mine once and they ruined the packages and actually ate the tire's off the ones with rubber tires. Now I buy sealable containers if I put stuff like that in a storage building.:)
Yea I agree I actually have some that was ruined by water damage all of my good ones are in plastic rubbermaid containers. These are going in a rented storage locker until I can get a new shed/workshop built!
Yea I agree I actually have some that was ruined by water damage all of my good ones are in plastic rubbermaid containers. These are going in a rented storage locker until I can get a new shed/workshop built!
Hopefully you can get settled in and get back to work on the dart! :thumbsup:
Yea I hope to have everything finished moving this week and get some work to the dart done by this weekend. I actually contacted Spi and talked to Barry about my epoxy primer I'm gonna go ahead and order it on Thursday. Then I can get started on the engine bay again
Sprinkle mothballs around your storage unit too. Mice dont like that camphor smell. It will keep them out. I put it in anything going into LTS long term storage even in cars interiors and under the hood.
What a collection! Hope the move goes well....and that you have enough shelving at the new place.

Yea this is just a small part of the collection. I have probably 3 more boxes full I have a couple of the large diecasts. I really want to get back into model building but idk if I have the space or time for it.
.... I really want to get back into model building but idk if I have the space or time for it.

I hear that! Time....sounds easy, just who has enough of it? I thought after my retirement (2 yrs. ago), I could dive right into things again. Naw, getting older, my fingers hurt, my butt is flatter than ever, need a thick cushion...lol.

Good luck getting back though. I started back up today...and I'm happy about it.

I hear that! Time....sounds easy, just who has enough of it? I thought after my retirement (2 yrs. ago), I could dive right into things again. Naw, getting older, my fingers hurt, my butt is flatter than ever, need a thick cushion...lol.

Good luck getting back though. I started back up today...and I'm happy about it.

Take lots of pictures and post them. You do amazing work.
I glanced at the thread title and thought it said "A stool sample". LOL
Fantastic collection!

Hey, I think I built that '40 Ford as a kid, back in about 1963. Mine got dark blue paint, and I added springs from a ball point pin for the rear axle. It bounced.
