A855 - 5 Speed

please post the mcg article rather than try to interpret what was written
Get a subscription so you can read it first hand.

Well that’s a damn shame. I have one new in the crate sitting in the garage for the past 5 years. Who knows if I’ll have problems with it or not.

Well that’s not good news! I’ve got a brand new one still in the crate. I’ve had it for several year’s, haven’t had time to start on my project car yet. Hopefully when I get around to using it, it works properly!
I suggest selling them for whatever you can get and going with either a Tremec or a 4-speed.
You know, we have people who have bought these and had problems, such as the OP, we have people who have bought these and never installed them, I have a friend here in Connecticut with a new in the crate one too, but the one thing I have never seen posted is from those that had a good experience. Is that to say every single one is a problem child??

Just wondering,
Cliff Ramsdell
Is that to say every single one is a problem child??
I would say, no.

Last count I have, there were 2 within this thread with no issues to date, and 2 who have yet to install, not counting your friend.

At the end of the year I spent dealing with this issue, GFI informed me there were 12 defective trans built, 9 in one month, with the same exact issue.
There were also multiple trans damaged during shipping, including mine when they shipped it back one of those times.

Once again, defective trans are an issue, however the lack of accountability and communication are much larger issues.

Buyers should not hear it was discontinued from this thread, and it being discontinued speaks volumes, no communication, to buyers specifically, speaks louder.
GFI informed me there were 12 defective trans built, 9 in one month, with the same exact issue.
This gives me a bit of context, how many A-855’s were built over the production period and how many were sold I wonder. They built them for awhile and were always on back order.

As for your ordeal, I understand completely where your coming from in regards to how your transmission was handled.

Cliff Ramsdell
Why are there problems with the 855?? Trick question it is.

The manufacturing of gears is not simple, it requires a series of checks and balances to ensure all the parts work together no matter when the part was made. Dimensional metrology comes to mind along with a master gear set. All this costs money and requires precision metrology equipment $$$$$ to measure the complex parts. Is there a master gear set? Due to the problems I highly doubt the components are correctly manufactured/checked for the correct dimesions or a master gear set exisits. The big 3 never had to install a trans in a car to see if it works...

New transmissions that make noise, won't shift/go into gear - produces a lot of metal in the gear oil. I had problems within 50 miles with 2 new 4sp aluminum overdrives - the first one locked up within 50 miles and the car had to be towed from a bad place- the second one - had 4th gear noise that from mile zero took a while 500-1000 miles or so to go away which was quite annoying considering the money spent. I changed the trans lube on a regular basis until the noise stopped. I was told that is normal....

Metrology is the scientific study of measurement
how many A-855’s were built over the production period and how many were sold I wonder.
I posted the answer to this many pages back:

GFI states they have built 300 to date, unfortunately they are full of crap on a regular basis.
Our Story

As I did then, I highly doubt that number.

Thing is, the link above to "Our Story" does not work anymore, and the base home link, https://5speedmuscle.com/ does not work either, (which I had saved previously, so I know both worked).
I know they did other brands, searched the internet unable to find a website for GFI (Garrett Fuss Inc., nothing).

It appears they scrubbed the web of any link, a web link or connection to, the A855.

1 final eff our customers.
I posted the answer to this many pages back:

GFI states they have built 300 to date, unfortunately they are full of crap on a regular basis.
Our Story

As I did then, I highly doubt that number.

Thing is, the link above to "Our Story" does not work anymore, and the base home link, https://5speedmuscle.com/ does not work either, (which I had saved previously, so I know both worked).
I know they did other brands, searched the internet unable to find a website for GFI (Garrett Fuss Inc., nothing).

It appears they scrubbed the web of any link, a web link or connection to, the A855.

1 final eff our customers.

Web archive link:

5SR by GFI

Our Story
Reminded that GFI also builds the Hemi 4 speed overdrive gear set for Passon Performance.
So you have your opinion. Fine. Ever deal with or order anything from Passon? Another keyboard warrior I suspect...
Someone said to me it's like talking to a child of alcohol/drug addicted parents.
They'll defend them no matter what they do or however low they go.
Maybe so, but if your going to talk **** about a guy's business at least have some personal experience to back it up rather than referring to some thread on a forum.
I went over to the Moparts forum last night and they had a thread about Passon, wondering if he was still in business. Everybody over there praises Jamie and says he's a stand up guy. I replied, telling them to come over and read this 20 page thread. Sounds like they are to stupid to come over and at least read it. They said it's just one guy's opinion. I told them it was their loss by not reading it. Go over and give them hell!

Well that’s a damn shame. I have one new in the crate sitting in the garage for the past 5 years. Who knows if I’ll have problems with it or not.
I would sell it! There is bound to be someone who will pay you what you paid. With all the trouble people have had (so much that they quit making them), I would not even try. Maybe Ebay, Facebook Marketplace or Craig's List.
Just some extremely well documented year long thread that hopefully saved some people a great deal of time, money, frustration, and bs.
I’m hard headed and foolish. But I’ll try it first since I have it.
Just get a Richmond (Doug Nash) 5 or 6 speed and be done with it. They've been building them over 50 years.