Dynamat or alternative for AC box



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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I'm having a condensation issue at my evaporator box.
It's enough to drip off after about 20 minutes of driving.

I haven't got much help on what might be causing it.
It doesn't freeze up and blows pretty cold.

The car was "professionally" converted to 134a before I got it.

I'm thinking about using self adhesive insulation on the outside of the box.
I see the Dynamat brand is somewhat expensive.
I'm less concerned about price as I am about potentially removing it if it doesn't resolve the issue.

Can anyone share experiences with removing it, or recommend an alternative that's cost effective and potentially removeable?

I'd also welcome any input on what might be my core issue.

FYI I'm around 50 on the low side and 225 on the high, which IIRC is about where it needs to be. I'd have to dig out my pics, but IIRC it was around 45-48 degrees at the vents.

It was suggested elsewhere to bleed off some refrigerant, which I did.
It reduced the cooling a few degrees but didn't stop the condensation.
I didn't go back an measure the pressures and I didn't bleed any more off because I didn't want to reduce the cooling any more.

Ive used evercoat q pads alot. But im not sure how good the insulation value is on it for your application
Condensate should be dripping outside.
If the drain port is not clogged, could be your evaporator is somehow oriented or touching internally where it's cooling off the box too much.
Like Joey and Mike said, this is most likely a blocked drain port - I have two and especially in the current Califopocalypse weather they're leaving huge puddles of water under the car. If they aren't able to drain, the water will pool in the box which can cause condensation on the outside - double whammy!
Drain is clear and it does drain out the tube.

It is condensation on the outside of the box.
Maybe the box is leaking air under the dash & that is cooling the area around it enough for condensation to form? Just a wild guess on my part.

Once you put Dynamat (or a clone) on and it gets hot a few times, it is on there like paint. Will likely never come off.