Edelbrock/4150 Holley knock off!,,,,,,,?,,,,,,$,,?????



Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2009
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Lets watch a couple videos first.....Shall we.

There's a big thread around here on those. For an honest to goodness carburetor tuner that knows what they're doing, they'll be great, but they have so much adjustment, they'll get the average person in trouble, I believe.
Too true ,like a 4 link, you can get into a lot of trouble for baseline set up. Hopefully the out of the box tune is close. Lets be honest, I believe most people put whatever carb they ordered and drop it on. If it runs.....that's all the tune they give it! Looks like it has all the features you could want.
There's a big thread around here on those. For an honest to goodness carburetor tuner that knows what they're doing, they'll be great, but they have so much adjustment, they'll get the average person in trouble, I believe.

My mentor and have discussed this carb at length. We don’t understand the larger bowls. The Holley bowl is about as big as you want. Any more fuel than what’s in there is harder to control. Even with the baffles Edelbrock used.

We also have no clue why they divorced the upper two emulsion holes from the lower three. Without getting my hands on one it looks like they have two bleeds completely above the fuel level and three below it. If for some reason you have to use those top bleeds you are going to end up with more MAB area than you should have, if we are seeing it correctly.

Neither of use are big enough on the internet to get a carb to beta test. Plus I bash Edelbrock every chance I get so I probably don’t deserve one. So I’ll buy one and then I can be honest about what it is.
My mentor and have discussed this carb at length. We don’t understand the larger bowls. The Holley bowl is about as big as you want. Any more fuel than what’s in there is harder to control. Even with the baffles Edelbrock used.

We also have no clue why they divorced the upper two emulsion holes from the lower three. Without getting my hands on one it looks like they have two bleeds completely above the fuel level and three below it. If for some reason you have to use those top bleeds you are going to end up with more MAB area than you should have, if we are seeing it correctly.

Neither of use are big enough on the internet to get a carb to beta test. Plus I bash Edelbrock every chance I get so I probably don’t deserve one. So I’ll buy one and then I can be honest about what it is.
Please do
This could well be the carburetor to bridge the gap between carburetors and EFI if they work as well as Edelbrock claims they can.
There's a big thread around here on those. For an honest to goodness carburetor tuner that knows what they're doing, they'll be great, but they have so much adjustment, they'll get the average person in trouble, I believe.
There's a Chinese holley knock off on Amazon, has all the 'removables' for 300 and something bucks.
Who flows them, as in... are they piston destroyers...
This could well be the carburetor to bridge the gap between carburetors and EFI if they work as well as Edelbrock claims they can.

Maybe. But you could get 5 circuit carbs years ago. And carbs with angled main jets for tunnel ram stuff. There is some really cool stuff out there if you look for it.

Of course, getting someone to sell it to you is a problem. It’s not as bad as it used to be though. And with the BLP BX4 series of carbs and the Twin Blade stuff you can get some really nice stuff.

And all of it requires some tuning.
There's a big thread around here on those. For an honest to goodness carburetor tuner that knows what they're doing, they'll be great, but they have so much adjustment, they'll get the average person in trouble, I believe.
I still haven't seen 1 for sale as of 3 days ago and it's been advertised for nearly a year
Cant wait to see Chinese carbs with spring loaded 3,4th seconday flaps through the butterflies and solenoid circuit activation...jk go fi ... but Jethro will tell ya the predator is the sparkle in grandmas teef be
It's just another Edelbrock copy of another manufactures design. lol
The more I look at it the cheesier it looks.
It's the equivalent of Tony's new version of Depends. . called vrspends, total crapola
Is it going to change racing history...uh..

Tonys new show will be about living in a storage unit and serving a glory hole in the back.

"Uncle holey" will be his new nic.​
Hol/Edel finally caught up with Carter, with two MABs. The TQ had them 50 yrs ago.
All they need to do now is add another IAB to make it two, which the Carter AFB has had since 1957.
I posted this, and didn't respond because i wanted to read the opinion of this form.
Looks good for a High End Carb at introductory price.
If i have $800.00 burning a hole in my pocket i might give it a try...........
No that's a lie!
I would still wait, a couple years, too so see if it is a fad, or a new fresh idea:usflag:

Sounds like all my spare part would fit it just fine........except the cam for the squirter.
Hol/Edel finally caught up with Carter, with two MABs. The TQ had them 50 yrs ago.
All they need to do now is add another IAB to make it two, which the Carter AFB has had since 1957.

And the point of two MAB’s is?? Asking because no one else believes it’s a good thing at this point.
Edelbrock believes it's a good thing. They added it. Ask them.