Feeling Old???

My parents never shielded me or my sis. From anything, we were taught this is life good bad or sad. Went to all funerals was expected all weddings was expected. Death is part of life like it or not. I was six when JFK was shot realized something very bad and significant had happened, didn’t understand it but was wittiness to it. Right or wrong I believe my parents gave me the tools to deal with it all. Same as I tried to do, hopefully

I was in second grade and I remember our hard azz teacher going out into the hallway and crying. Knew it was important then. Also remember a crowded hallway and Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby with a small pistol on national television. Imagine that today.
I was in second grade and I remember our hard azz teacher going out into the hallway and crying. Knew it was important then. Also remember a crowded hallway and Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby with a small pistol on national television. Imagine that today.
Well never in a million years would I have thought I would be walking into a bank wearing a mast with out alarms blaring and cops on the way.