gas cylinders repurpose?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Sub gave me 2 AL carbon dioxide soda tanks with valves (one still marked PEPSI) . Can I do anything with them constructive? Refill with welding gas with a new valve? strip and put a NOS sticker on them and put them in the trunk for the next car show? Sell to a NOS ricer?
Just though of a compressed air tank for the bikes and balls instead of busting out the compressor.....
Whatever you do, dont put Acetylene in a CO2 tank.
Acetylene tanks have a saturated mat inside. It stabilizes the gas.
In the HVAC trades we use them pretty much like nitrogen..... Personally, I like it better. Because its liquified, you have much more volume per tank. For pressure testing its stable, like nitrogen, and the extra volume makes it great for blowing out linesets etc.
Some gas shops will exchange the bottles and not care about the pepsi on it. Others wont....
IMO the alum. bottles are better then the steel. When you exchange, try to keep alum. if possible. Its lighter in weight.
One last thing, You can get a regulator to screw on the bottle that allows you to hook up anything you want, ie: 1/4 in flare for hose to blow gun, or hvac guages etc.
I think you'd have to have them tested. I doubt aluminum CO2 cans are rated for nitrogen pressures. I use plain CO2 for nearly all my MIG welding, and when the old HVAC days I too used CO2 mostly in place of nitrogen. Come claim CO2 "has moisture" but that is not true. If it was, it would freeze up the regulators.
In my area, pretty much everything is done on exchange...... No one is going to put anything in a bottle its not designed or tagged for.....
Can you MIG with nitrogen? As you know, I can get all the Nitrogen I want as a phone cable maintainer, we flood paper cables with it.....I got a huge friggin tank in my truck right now. Or straight CO2?
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There was somebody on here showing how they modified one to shape sheet metal.