Got hacked



How the hell did I get this old..
Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
right here ...see me I'm waving.. NY
Got hacked by some MF'er. Locked up all my files, and email accounts. They sent me an email saying they got into my account, but it went to junk and I glanced at it and just deleted it. Now I can't even get into my email to see what they want, even though I would not pay anything. I have so many pictures of my granddaughters and other things that I can't get to. Need to see a computer guy I know tomorrow to see what he can do. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF k. Some people just suck.
A few years ago the business I work at got hacked. They wanted 5 grand to restore it back. Boss paid up. All back to normal. Kim
Got hacked by some MF'er. Locked up all my files, and email accounts. They sent me an email saying they got into my account, but it went to junk and I glanced at it and just deleted it. Now I can't even get into my email to see what they want, even though I would not pay anything. I have so many pictures of my granddaughters and other things that I can't get to. Need to see a computer guy I know tomorrow to see what he can do. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF k. Some people just suck.
How do we know this is really you?
This is why "cloud storage" of all your important data (songs, documents, photos, etc) is IMO a horrible idea.
Buy a big external hard-drive and back up your stuff regularly. Don't leave it plugged in after the back-up or it will be locked as well.

Good luck