How Do You Feel Upon Rising in the Morning?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
That first hour (I wake around 6 AM) I most often feel like I am 100 years old. I slowly drink a cup of instant coffee with a little milk over a period of about 45 minutes while I read my email and recent FABO and FBBO postings. Then a little something to eat (not really hungry yet)--oatmeal with fruit, a bowl of raisin bran, or a breakfast burrito. Not sure why I feel so old, maybe it's because my entire body kind of aches all over just a little. A shower would probably help, but summertimes I shower before bedtime. Now around 7 AM I finally feel like moving around a bit. I need to walk the dog, so I have no choice than to get dressed and begin my day. Not like the good old days.

dog walk.jpeg
I feel pretty good as long as I get a decent amount of hours (at least 4) under my belt on a reasonable surface. (Something flat but not hard like a desk) I can (almost) spring right up and get going. Zero sluggish feeling.

Go to a doctor and a nutritionist. Check the blood. General exercise is excellent for the body. This is not working out with weights though I highly suggest it even at a EZ pace. You can I wonders for yourself with a pair of 20lbs. dumb bells. Pushups, crunches and stretches.

How old are you Dibbs?
My left knee hurts for the first 20 mins or so of moving around and then it’s fine. I can imagine how it’ll be when I’m even older (I’m 42).
Then there’s the fact that my wife of 19 years recently left me and my son so that doesn’t feel real good either...(prayers needed)
My left knee hurts for the first 20 mins or so of moving around and then it’s fine. I can imagine how it’ll be when I’m even older (I’m 42).
Then there’s the fact that my wife of 19 years recently left me and my son so that doesn’t feel real good either...(prayers needed)
Sorry to read that.she will soon be sorry when she realizes the poor quality of future selections out there.
Keep a journal as so to answer questions to your son when the time comes.
At 57, it not the years as much as the mileage and driving habits.
At 53 myself, I can state with complete honesty, I have not been kind to myself. Coupled with outdoor work in what ever Mother Nature brings, it can be tough!

If it is 100* and I have an A/C unit to look at/fix, it’ll be 120*+ under there.
If old man winter blows the blizzard and it’s -20*’s and the equipment needs a shock or brakes, I’m out there.
That’s the job I signed up for. Some days your the dog, some days your the tree.

I however refuse to yield and I will never surrender and will always keep moving and wrenching on my car(s) so help me until the dirt covers my body in the box, and you’ll still have to rip out the wrench from my old dead rotting hands!


Eat well be well, visit your doctor. Keep the machine running at its best. Keep it moving and work it!
Usually like Mike Tyson has hit me with a hard right.
It sucked when I realized I wasn't superman after all.
At 70 with a bunch of chronic aches and pains and a bladder problem I sometimes wake up more tired than when I went to bed. I guess my next step is to find a way to wear my CPAP without getting claustrophobic. I nap a couple times a day right now.
If I can stay away from carbs/sugar i’ll Feel great. If not kinda like a hangover.
Stretching and small weights, just a little do wonders for me.
If I can stay away from carbs/sugar i’ll Feel great. If not kinda like a hangover.
Stretching and small weights, just a little do wonders for me.
Thats exactly where I'm at now. Carbs (Bread, pasta, certain fruits) are cut out after lunch. Starches as well. AKA, no rice. (And dang I love my spanish rice!) I'll have a Hero/Hogie/Sandwich for lunch and thats it. No soda/sugar drinks!
Breakfest is two hard boiled eggs and two slices of toast with I can't beileve its not butter. No real butter, bad for me. LOL!
Dinner, Meat/Fish, veggie. That's it!
54 years old got the widow maker scraped out and a stent a couple years back I wake up old and tired but hit the shower and make the best of it. I am maintenance man for a medium sized prototype shop and can still out work most of the 20-30 something year olds in the shop. Yeah so maybe we are a bunch of old F**KS but look around not too many youngsters doing the things most of our age do for work, We are the what I feel are a dying breed. Where are all of the tool and die makers? I DON'T mean CNC button pushers I mean the tool and die makers that put their hands on the handles and quills of a Bridgeport and made things.
But before anybody jumps on this and says Dont pick on me, Repair or rebuild some thing by pushing a button. Like something REAL simple a single barrel carb. and I also prefer to drive MY car using this method:steering: Suns out time to go get something done :usflag:
At 70 with a bunch of chronic aches and pains and a bladder problem I sometimes wake up more tired than when I went to bed. I guess my next step is to find a way to wear my CPAP without getting claustrophobic. I nap a couple times a day right now.
agree w/ the above , except for the bladder , and c/pap> I had the c/pap operation , took everything out .
Sprang out of bed at 5:30 started the coffee and ran a mile while it brewed. Not all mornings are like that
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I feel better lately since I actually AM getting up in the morning now. Since I was working and was the night manager, I was getting home "around" 10 every night. So that had my days and nights mixed up. Now I 've got it back right and feel a lot better. It's just not natural to sleep in the daytime.
As long as I can rise in the morning and still take a breath...I feel pretty good.

Another day and another opportunity to live.
A little on the slow side to rise (always appreciated a good snooze button lol) but once the boots are on the ground it's go time..... Rarely does a day start with me dragging and am ready for a challenge right out the gate.... On the weekends I do find myself enjoying a slower pace if I am not working.

I'm 53 going on 54... and within the last year, I feel like hell in the morning. Sometimes feel really hot until I'm up for awhile. I get up at 530 every work day and its terrible. If I sleep in til 7 or so...I feel pretty good. Idk... has blood work last year my good cholesterol is a bit low and my bad is a bit too high... haven't had a physical since 46