[FOR TRADE] Looking to trade my ‘70 grill for your ‘72 grill.



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Sep 15, 2024
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I purchased a ‘72 Dart that came with a ‘70 grill installed. I’m looking to trade for the correct 1972 grill. Does anyone want to trade, or know where I can purchase the complete assembly? - other than eBay or ClassicIndustries. Thank you!
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Bummer, I had 5 72 grilles and was looking for a 70-71 grille to trade about a year ago.. I bought a new 71 grille. Good luck!
I bought my 72 grille from JEGS... Summit also carries them.....Hate Classic Industries


JEGS and Summit both run sales so, you can usually get one for less if you are patient. I paid $652 to the door for mine. I know that is expensive but I also know how originals are after 50+years. I would not spend much money for an original when you don't know if it'll survive shipping or re-installation. 50+ year old plastic is dry and brittle.
Do you mean make them? OER makes a 70/71 grill although I can't tell if it is correct with the silver fins.

I am currently restoring a '70 grille. It is a ton of work between cleaning, repairing and masking.