Movie alert Show Dogs WTF



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Asking the mods NOT to move this to N&P forum, because everybody needs to know about this. I am not on fakebook, but if i was Mark Suckaturd would probably remove any post i would put up about this. This movie "Show Dogs" is rated for ages 8 years up. It has undertones about sexual grooming.

The main talking dog charactor has to infiltrate a dog show. And they make part of the movie about how the judges have to touch his genetalia and how he has to go to his zen place and let it happen. How that has anything to do with the plot of the movie i have no idea, however children are impressionable at this age, and may see themselves like the charactor and then think its ok.

Kids will relate to the talking dog character, but its underlying message is sinister, and seeks to make this behavior ok or accepted. The pervs in hollywierd pushed to normalize homosexuality, and now their last frontier is pedophelia. Of course Kevin Spacey was a setback for them, but they wont stop. Please dont take your kids or grand kids to see this movie. Tell your friends and family about this, research it on the net if you dont believe me. But send a message to em with your wallet by not seeing this movie that our kids are off limits to these perverts.
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