My Car Might Have Changed Someone's Life.

You can lead a horse to water,

If he wasn't interested he would have never ask about your car.

Have a nephew that will be 35 this year that is absolutely worthless, too many video games and drinking never had to do or learn anything. He is very book smart, but dumb as a box of rocks.

His dad wasn't around, mom made the comment earlier this year I should have showed him stuff. The damn kid was lazy and didn't come out of the house. The few times I tried to show him he had no interest.

So it is great you found someone WANTING TO LEARN
You have done a great thing there Seabee! Thanks for sharing and inspiring others to take the time to invest in our youth. If all the PUNK *** KIDS today had less video games and more neighbors like you, I think the future would be brighter for them.....
He did. He's almost a foot taller too! He's stopped by a few times and now that I have my projects set up I'll get him involved when he's not doing school.
Uh-oh. Another gearhead . Thanks,he will learn,what can happen.
Awesome story,'and thanks for taking the time to be a positive influence!! Geof
Man! If only I had somebody do that for me growing up....This Duster wouldn't be my first project! I realized just how much I was into cars a little too late imho.

Right on man! Come up and hang on Grand soon, Ill buy you a beer dude!