New Motor Mount Source


Johnny Dart

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
So Cal
Good news on the horizon. Schumacher Creative Services is teaming up with USTC Motorsports to manufacture Mopar motor mounts again. Stay tuned !!!!

this has been posted a number of times over the last few months.. hope us car tool doesn't screw these up. no faith in that clown of an outfit.
yeah, the lack of excitement on this is the repetitive promises of USCT making them and then it never happening

if you order a set and actually get them, we may get a little more enthusiastic
USCT has produced several mounts already, and has more coming. After emailing them they said they are working on additional mounts, but could not give a timeframe. Remember, they’re working with Schumacher, a company that hasn’t been a reliable supplier as of late (for plenty of legitimate reasons, but still).

They are also having the same raw materials supply problem that even much larger suppliers are having. Hotchkis is months out on some of their products right now.

And yeah, all of this has already been covered in like 6 different threads. RRR finally called USCT and talked to them, I emailed them. They’re working on it. Just read the new ad, says it right there. In the 5 threads before that it was just guys bitching without doing anything about it. Like this one.

USCT makes good, well thought out parts and I’ve always had them delivered within a week prior to the lockdowns and supply chain issues. BS like this is why companies don’t get into Mopars. If it’s so easy, just make your own mounts and quit bitching. Otherwise you might have to grow some patience.
Only time will tell with USCT, they promised the moon well over a year ago & have yet to deliver much of anything.
Only time will tell with USCT, they promised the moon well over a year ago & have yet to deliver much of anything.

Schumacher has been pretty much MIA for years now. Years! Do you think dealing with them on the business side is any easier than dealing with them as a customer?

It takes time to develop tooling for a production run, never mind the legal BS involved with copyright stuff. And let’s not forget that the raw materials are only available in hit and miss fashion right now. Lots of USCT parts that were already developed are on back order due to raw material supply chain issues. That’s not just a USCT problem, that’s everyone in the industry right now.

But hey, it’s easier to complain than actually do something about it right?
Talked to USCT today and the deal with Schumacher fell through but they are making mounts. You have to call them or message them thru Facebook tho.
Talked to USCT today and the deal with Schumacher fell through but they are making mounts. You have to call them or message them thru Facebook tho.
so when will they deliver yours?
I have a set of the B/RB mounts for a V8 car. Maybe one day you will see me on Pawn stars gettin' paid lol..... I hope it works out for you guys. As time marches on the availability for this type of product in the market will dwindle so my advice is if you can get them and need them to suck it up and buy a set....

Schumacher has been pretty much MIA for years now. Years! Do you think dealing with them on the business side is any easier than dealing with them as a customer?

It takes time to develop tooling for a production run, never mind the legal BS involved with copyright stuff. And let’s not forget that the raw materials are only available in hit and miss fashion right now. Lots of USCT parts that were already developed are on back order due to raw material supply chain issues. That’s not just a USCT problem, that’s everyone in the industry right now.

But hey, it’s easier to complain than actually do something about it right?

do you think anything Schumacher had was copyrighted ?

I think the value of Schumacher at this point is existing tooling and development work.

Some of their stuff was copies of factory parts (obsolete motor mount brackets, etc)
do you think anything Schumacher had was copyrighted ?

I think the value of Schumacher at this point is existing tooling and development work.

Some of their stuff was copies of factory parts (obsolete motor mount brackets, etc)

I bet most of it is actually. All of their conversion mounts could be. Maybe some of the factory replacement stuff wasn't, but, even some of those parts might have been if the construction was different than the factory part.

And really, I would guess that the conversion mounts are what sold better. Their factory replacement mounts are nicer than the re-popped stuff so I'm sure they did sell, but the conversion mounts are what people are always looking for.

Based on the fact that USCT gives Schumacher design credit for the hemi mounts they're listing on the USCT website I would bet there are both copyright and royalties involved.
Good news on the horizon. Schumacher Creative Services is teaming up with USTC Motorsports to manufacture Mopar motor mounts again. Stay tuned !!!!

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Which is probably a good deal in the first place since MOPAR kind of screwed the pooch designing motor mounts on so many models. Really, using a rubber sandwich with little or no limiters to keep pieces from making air space between glued parts! I liked it when the captive mounts came along but it was a pretty tough job to swap the old A,B and E body mounting system to the later F body system, which was why I never ran an old sandwich mount without a restraining device added. I tried a set of solid mounts ONCE and broke a tail shaft housing ONCE, learned a lesson there, simplest solution was and still is the best solution. Use the stock parts and add something help them live. Be sure is has some flex to it, and that is a chain ! Yeah that works but it's kind of OKY or HOKY or just lame. My best add on was a couple of fabed plates with a nice piece of stranded cable inserted in a couple of sleeves and brazed in, be sure the center has a hole the same of the cable and the other half of the bore is larger so there is room for the brass to form a head that can't simply be pulled through the bore.
The post is for the motor mount brackets, not the rubber mounts. There are options for the rubber mounts. Most people on here are looking for the slant 6 to SB mounts, or SB to BB mounts, and the harder to find left side 340 mount, which Schumacher industries use to provide.
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Don't care, I used Transdapt big block swap mounts, work great at a 3rd of the cost.
I built my own torque strap too, way nicer than the Schumacher and under 20 bucks in parts.
Yes I got them. Was just the brackets, no biscuits or bolts. Plain unpainted steel.

but they are the conversion ones, right?

the much debated parts that schumacher used to make?

sounds like it worked out then

(though i think a coat of paint might have looked profesional)
No pics before I installed them. They came from USCT. They are not conversion mount just 340/360 mounts. I was just going from 318 to 340 and my 318 mounts would not work as the ears were different. I tried 2 sets I had and neither would line up. Not the spacing either the actual hole for the mounting ear was in different location. Lower down on the 340 I believe. They are in and engine sits fine. Drove it a bit today.