Nipple Removal


SS Lancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
I just recieved this Jewel and need to remove galv nipple can I heat it up to aid with removal ?


Take a hack saw blade & cut it from the inside. Go slow. You can do it.
So what if it takes 1 hr. No damage to your intake. Probably 3 cuts and it will come out in sections.
You may want to find a tap to tune up threads afterwards.
I narrowed a blade for my recip so it would fit inside. Go slow.
Die grinder will work too,you can see the points of the threads as you grind away the steel. Again, take your time.
i didnt have to use the cut and chisel method. just some penetrating oil let is soak for a few hours. applied a little heat and it came right out. if it gave a lot of resistance then i would have chiseled it out

nipple extraction.jpg
So what if it takes 1 hr. No damage to your intake. Probably 3 cuts and it will come out in sections.
It doesn't matter how long procedure takes this intake is in exceptionally good condition and im privileged to own it for its vintage patina and will preserve it
Use it etc until the next lucky
Mopar freak owns it.
When done, install a brass fitting, and it will never get stuck in there again. Brass and aluminum work better together.
When done, install a brass fitting, and it will never get stuck in there again. Brass and aluminum work better together.
Galvanized isnt good for anything
I work for water auth and back in the 50 & 60s they installed that garbage
I been there 28 years and we still pulling it out and replacing with copper.
In the plumbing industry dissimilar metals can cause problems .

Ok all went well , Murphy didnt come visit me !!! Murphy's Law
I didnt have a thread chaser or tap 3/4"
So I cleaned threads out with a brass nipple all went well delivered intake to porter today so will have some photos after its finished thanks for the advice.



Great job. Thanks for the pics, because you know what we always say, "Without pictures, it didn't happen."