Old Skool....



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Just ran across this pic, thought it was the ultimate turbo on the cheap...draw through!

I dont get all the dynamics of a draw through, just the fact that you can bolt up a TQ is cool. Where is the blow off valve going to go, or the wastegate blowing raw fuel into the exhaust? Sounds......fun!
You don't need a BOV with drawthrough.
When you snap the throttle blades shut, the compressor housing intake is starved for air. No air into the compressor, means no load on the shaft. So you dont have the compressor pumping against the deadhead. Therefore the compressor wont stall. (It might even speed up the way a vacuum cleaner does when you block the inlet, and with no load on the impellers it speeds up)
You can run a BOV if you really want to, but it pays to loop the blown off charge back into the turbo intake. After all it's fuel and air, in the right ratio to go boom!
No fuel goes out the wastegate, as the compressor and turbine sides of the pump are isolated from one another. And all the gas which passes through the turbine side, has already been burned in the engine.
Needs some hood mods to be used right.. Lol
I hear they lack throttle response and are more of a motorhome/industrial setup, long pulls, but simple to build.
Looks like the setup for the 78 Buick Regal predecessor for the GNX. Not positive though.