People that hit DISAGREE....

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Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
Without explaining why they did it are gutless pricks. Have some balls and explain yourself. I know that not everyone will see things the same way but doing a drive-by CLICK is a pathetic move for keyboard commandos with small cocks. Maybe they found ONE thing they did not like but somehow felt compelled to piss on the whole post?
This is not aimed at one specific person, just a rant because I have seen it many times before.
Without explaining why they did it are gutless pricks. Have some balls and explain yourself. I know that not everyone will see things the same way but doing a drive-by CLICK is a pathetic move for keyboard commandos with small cocks. Maybe they found ONE thing they did not like but somehow felt compelled to piss on the whole post?
This is not aimed at one specific person, just a rant because I have seen it many times before.

They click it because they disagree...and don't care to debate it. Particularly with angry posters who decide to call people who disagree with them derogatory you did in your opening post.
Happy now...

My **** is not small, so I've been told by my girlfriends.
Whether I disagree with one point or every point of a post requires no justification to YOU or anyone else. Think of it as an easter egg hunt for the easily pissed off about **** that doesn't matter. :)

Control freaks are just that, ring any bells. Maybe you should ask about driving a port-a-let, or some other earth shattering stupidity that runs from your head. :)

Your ritalin/xanax is waiting for you right now. Must have missed your last required dose. :)

Plenty of sarcasm in this post, hope you can identify it!
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I'll bet over half of the members here use their smart phones. Unless you enlarge the responses, it's easy to hit the wrong one. I have done it many times. It's easy to do.
Ditto on the hit by accident. When scrolling on a tablet, it's very easy to hit because you are trying to miss all the ads on right side of page. I've had flaming PM's sent demanding an explanation. Get over it, people.
It is clear the HUGE disparity in the level and appreciation of humor and sarcasm between men.
You really think a mans **** size dictates how he feels about a spark plug or a water pump?
MY guess is that the critics are the same types that "think" that they have a sense of humor but actually do not laugh much and make others laugh even less.
not really, but you display signs of insecurity. wouldn't you AGREE. or do you DISAGREE, careful now, it's a trick question.
Nah...I do have the balls and the integrity to tell someone why I think that they are wrong. Sure, I can't expect everyone to have the same credo.... but to me, it is like keying the car of someone you don't like rather than confronting them face to face.
Straighten yer skirt and get on with it. My lord comparing a disagree to keying a car?
Im dragging my ballz across yer avatar right now
Without explaining why they did it are gutless pricks. Have some balls and explain yourself. I know that not everyone will see things the same way but doing a drive-by CLICK is a pathetic move for keyboard commandos with small cocks. Maybe they found ONE thing they did not like but somehow felt compelled to piss on the whole post?
This is not aimed at one specific person, just a rant because I have seen it many times before.

No one has to explain themselves. Not to you or anyone else. They disagree, they hit the button. Pretty simple. Who says it even needs an explanation? It means someone disagrees with you. So what? I don’t think hitting disagree on your first post in this thread needs any explanation at all, I can see why a lot of people would disagree with that BS.

It’s the internet, not your safe space. People can disagree with you. Get over it.
Straighten yer skirt and get on with it. My lord comparing a disagree to keying a car?
Im dragging my ballz across yer avatar right now
I hope for your sake that is a joke. Pretty strange thing to do to another man unless you crave man meat.
I cannot help you with that. Lucky for you, there is less shame in that sort of thing nowadays...
Safe space....Funny. I'll add that to my list of "witty retorts" since it is so fresh and original.
Most of my replies are on my phone so I dont bother with emoticons which help to signify sarcasm (if intended). Im confident and so is Lori with my sexual preference.
Yout attempt at humor this time failed miserably.
Funny yer avatar seemed to like it.
I hope for your sake that is a joke. Pretty strange thing to do to another man unless you crave man meat.
I cannot help you with that. Lucky for you, there is less shame in that sort of thing nowadays...
If someone disagrees with something I said, I can usually figure out from MY post what they disagree with.

And then I move on cause I have real **** to worry about.

(But I do suck my thumb to feel better)
Safe space....Funny. I'll add that to my list of "witty retorts" since it is so fresh and original.

Well you are the guy whining about people disagreeing with you, seems like you probably need one. Triggered much?
I can kinda see your side of it, but dang, you sure jumped off the cliff makin your point. LOL
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