I'm almost finished with the rebuild on the Z-bar of my '68 Dart, 340. When I took the old one apart, there was a short plastic tube inside the bell housing end. I assumed that this was supposed to keep the ball stud bushings from inserting too deep into the tube.
The rebuild kit didn't have a replacement for this piece, and as I think about it I can't imagine the practical use of it anyway. The Z-bar is captured between the bell housing and the frame rail so that the ball studs cannot really go any deeper anyway. So what the heck is this for and do I really need to keep (replace) it?
The rebuild kit didn't have a replacement for this piece, and as I think about it I can't imagine the practical use of it anyway. The Z-bar is captured between the bell housing and the frame rail so that the ball studs cannot really go any deeper anyway. So what the heck is this for and do I really need to keep (replace) it?