RedFish here



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
I had to log in and say HEY to you guys, wish you all have a great weekend, etc....
They put me on a drug to prevent the seizures I was having. They told me I may never be allowed to drive again. I argued that it was drinking a quart of crown royal every day. That was causing the seizures. They know I wont drink again because they told me one drink could kill me. I don't expect to have any more seizures. My comments/views didn't sway them at all.
My son is living here and helping take care of me (just keeping an eye on me, doing heavy lifting for me). I'm so weak, a full coffee pot or gallon of milk is heavy lifting. I'm doing the exercises per physical therapy and occupational therapy too. Don't know if I'll ever get all my strength back. Gonna be a long road for sure. When I came home from hospital, I couldn't strike a Bic lighter. I can do that now so I find improvement where I can.
Any good news to type here? yeah. I've had the complete disc brakes, sway bar and LBP 7&1/4 rear end laying here for many years. The car was never driven enough to need any brake work. Junior and I are preparing to change out all of that. Doesn't matter if it takes all winter to complete.
I have 4 magnum 500 wheels for the bolt pattern change. Those wheels aren't too pretty. They won't be blasted and painted any time soon. Hospital bills took too much of my money.
***** does come out to play anymore. 100mg Viagra did nothing. I took one 4 days in a row then gave up on that. At 65 yrs old my sex life is over. Anyway... They say we all have our crosses to bare. May the burden of your crosses be light.
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Give everything time. Eat healthy, and and exercise if you can. Hopefully everything will come back. I'm sad to tell you, it is time to ditch the bad habits.
All the best sir and hope you pull out of this soon. Fight with every last ounce of energy you got and don't give up. I know I haven't been with the group all these years like you have, but am grateful for the time we spent together beatin on these forum threads. Stay in touch with us!
Great to hear from you. We've been missing you around here. Kitty and I will add you to our prayer list.
Thanks for sharing Ben. Glad to see you jump on here again and chime in. With the young lads support around things will improve.
Be well bud.:thumbsup:
Red I would not judge your progress by your sex drive. "Other" medication, depression, anxiety, other related etc can drive that right down.

I had a bout with depression when I was around 50. Nobody found a cause, "they" think it was similar to women's menopause, AKA changes in bodily chemistry due to aging. It is probably why I got into a bad car crash and now have a pin from my left knee to my ankle, along with some screws. I remember nothing about the crash, tho I remember maybe 6 miles before, and woke up in the hospital.
Red I would not judge your progress by your sex drive. "Other" medication, depression, anxiety, other related etc can drive that right down.

I had a bout with depression when I was around 50. Nobody found a cause, "they" think it was similar to women's menopause, AKA changes in bodily chemistry due to aging. It is probably why I got into a bad car crash and now have a pin from my left knee to my ankle, along with some screws. I remember nothing about the crash, tho I remember maybe 6 miles before, and woke up in the hospital.
Thanks Del. The sex drive (want to) is still here. It's just the tool don't work. I watch the westerns on METV and see men lay in a bed and recover. I fell about 5pm. I layed on the couch until about 2PM the next day when daughter and son-in-law came in. I told Will "I'm gonna lay here and recover like the cowboys on TV." Will said, "Wait a damn minute pop. Aint there a doctor in every one of those shows?" About 5 minutes later, the wife came out of the bedroom and said "I just called you a ambulance and there aint gonna be no argument. You haven't noticed how you are swelling up all over but we see it. I wont let you lay here and die".
Prayers for you to get better!
Thankyou. I am getting better. I've had physical therapy and occupational therapy visiting once per week since I came home. The older lady from OT is polite and funny in conversation. The young girl from PT is very pretty or should I say hot? "Thick hips make many sons" (I don't remember if that was Indian or other).
The supervisor (man) from PT is coming today to access my progress. He may turn me loose with my exercises to complete my own recovery. I think part f it is Aetna Medicare not willing to pay for more weekly visits.
It’s bad for sure. But it could be worse. Thanks for letting us be your support team. You know we are here.
Thanks Del. The sex drive (want to) is still here. It's just the tool don't work. I watch the westerns on METV and see men lay in a bed and recover. I fell about 5pm. I layed on the couch until about 2PM the next day when daughter and son-in-law came in. I told Will "I'm gonna lay here and recover like the cowboys on TV." Will said, "Wait a damn minute pop. Aint there a doctor in every one of those shows?" About 5 minutes later, the wife came out of the bedroom and said "I just called you a ambulance and there aint gonna be no argument. You haven't noticed how you are swelling up all over but we see it. I wont let you lay here and die".
. Get well Red! I've been wondering where Ya been! I'll add You to the Prayer list! On a lighter note, my lungs have been filling with crap for 3 months or better ( i quit counting) I told the Gal "I'm just gonna lay here in this cave, till the Medicne Woman or Whoever gives me the poultice and I wake up whole, like on the old Westerns" no BS. Said that to her last week. Get Well Man!
I had to log in and say HEY to you guys, wish you all have a great weekend, etc....
They put me on a drug to prevent the seizures I was having. They told me I may never be allowed to drive again. I argued that it was drinking a quart of crown royal every day. That was causing the seizures. They know I wont drink again because they told me one drink could kill me. I don't expect to have any more seizures. My comments/views didn't sway them at all.
My son is living here and helping take care of me (just keeping an eye on me, doing heavy lifting for me). I'm so weak, a full coffee pot or gallon of milk is heavy lifting. I'm doing the exercises per physical therapy and occupational therapy too. Don't know if I'll ever get all my strength back. Gonna be a long road for sure. When I came home from hospital, I couldn't strike a Bic lighter. I can do that now so I find improvement where I can.
Any good news to type here? yeah. I've had the complete disc brakes, sway bar and LBP 7&1/4 rear end laying here for many years. The car was never driven enough to need any brake work. Junior and I are preparing to change out all of that. Doesn't matter if it takes all winter to complete.
I have 4 magnum 500 wheels for the bolt pattern change. Those wheels aren't too pretty. They won't be blasted and painted any time soon. Hospital bills took too much of my money.
***** does come out to play anymore. 100mg Viagra did nothing. I took one 4 days in a row then gave up on that. At 65 yrs old my sex life is over. Anyway... They say we all have our crosses to bare. May the burden of your crosses be light.
I hope it gets better for you. We don't know what others are going through till they tell us. Keep up the fight. I'm sure little redfish will make his appearance again at some point of better health.
Alcohol is a tricky character.