Rusty Rotors



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
New Braunfels TX
I'll be drivin the Dart after 3yrs of sittin in humid so tx should I clean the rust off the rotors or will the pads take care of it.
Ha ha, I have rust on my rotors every morning. Pads take care of light surface staining just fine. Pits and heavy flaking? Little different story. An OCD, clean and replace everything. Mechanic's car, only fix what's broke and you can't drowned out with the stereo.

I got two rotors off '74 Duster that hadn't been moved in over 15 years. They both had enough rust to require some 'remedial' action so friend glass-beaded them. After, still over 1.00" thick so cleaned thoroughly and installed with good bearings on my Challenger (as that car had rotor diameters down to minimum - 0.940" and significantly o.o.r.) The Duster rotors absolutely straight and fresh surfaces.
Suggest you pull each front wheel off and 'mike' rotors for thickness. If rust not bad, remove calipers (without disconnecting lines) and do a hand-sand of each surface. Check for o.o.r. and dress pads (unless too thin to re-use), then, re-install and do a complete fluid change. This is all the very least I would do.
Oh, and could be a good time to do a thorough cleaning and re-packing of bearings (if it's been long time).
Ya I need to pull rotors just remembered I have 2 mustang rotors that need to go to machine shop and be matched to originals
perfect time to change to 4.5 bp my 8 1/4 rear is 4.5