That scream. I'll never forget it.



Idiot In Training
Jun 28, 2018
Reaction score
My kid, 8 years ago.
It was his 11th goal of the season. Wearing #11.
#11 was special to him. The years before, he didn't care what number he wore.
That fall, a family friend of ours lost his life in a motorcycle accident. His race car number was #11.
D, the guy who we lost, loved Dom's attitude.. his energy, never say die way he was.. so D was a favorite of Dom's. Many nights of Dom sitting in his race car in the pits after a full night of short track racing.
Miss ya DuWayne. And yeah, I'm finally working on that damn mopar. :)

You are raising him right. Choosing a number to honour a lost friend means a lot. A fine young man you have there.
Hey Ron great shot of your son, it is picture in the frame worthy. My Grand Son is 5 years old and he starts his hockey training today, he is playing for the Little Wings. No numbers, no names on the jersey's yet just the wheeled wing. But when it comes time I know he will want #4, that is the number that I wore in all the sports that I played and my daughter and son both wore #4 when they played sports through out high school. It's a tough thing to loose a good friend, I know I have lost a few lately and I can't seem to get them out of my head, I miss them tremendously. Any way great shot, I hope I can capture a picture like that of my grand son one day.
I couldn't keep that kid away from a flat surface in the summer.. it would soon have a net and shots being taken on it. I think he was 8 here. I kicked him out of the garage as I was working on something.. he grabbed whatever scraps he could so his practice ball didn't go flying down the alley. :)

Hey Ron great shot of your son, it is picture in the frame worthy. My Grand Son is 5 years old and he starts his hockey training today, he is playing for the Little Wings. No numbers, no names on the jersey's yet just the wheeled wing. But when it comes time I know he will want #4, that is the number that I wore in all the sports that I played and my daughter and son both wore #4 when they played sports through out high school. It's a tough thing to loose a good friend, I know I have lost a few lately and I can't seem to get them out of my head, I miss them tremendously. Any way great shot, I hope I can capture a picture like that of my grand son one day.
Watching a kid go from stumbling on skates, to playing High school hockey is a wondrous thing.
That said, don't make it his identity to you.. some kids love hockey, some kids don't.. and there's nothing wrong with that.
I knew nothing about hockey before we took him to a learn to skate when he was 6... he pushed away any coach trying to help him up off the ice when he fell... that 'f** you' attitude.
Ive seen kids that don't really want to play.. and they have parents that think their kid is the next Greztky. That never turns out well.
If he loves it, great. If not, that's great too. :)
Dom, last year (white and orange). He helped out the JV team, played a couple periods when they were short.
He told this guy twice to quit biffing on the small freshmen.. he didn't listen.
Refs 'didn't see it'..
He quit biffing the smaller kids after that.
