The new 67's are out

Then we got The Good Guys in the White Hats.

Today the Dodge Rebellion would be blamed on Trump and trigger mass investigations.
WOW! Three posts and we gone political.
Just funnin you guys...

There was a real contoversy about that "Rebellion" deal as I recall. Many thought it gave credence to the Civil War and the Rebels...I kid you not.

The Chrysler ad agency dropped that after two years... then the dealers went from Rebels to The Good Guys... much more appealing to the public or so they said.

Yes this was a real thing... I helped clean out the parts dept. storage area of any remnent of the Dodge Rebellion signs, banners, stand-ups, etc at Dodge City in Milwaukee in early '68. My boss was amazed how SOME Chrysler execs/dealers were scared of that campaign.
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