This is sad news - keep Leanna in your prayers


65 Dartman

1 of None 65 Dart Sedan Delivery
FABO Gold Member
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Strasburg, VA
I received a message from Mallory Nettleton via Messenger through Leanna’s phone. Please keep Leanna and her family in your prayers. I’ve attached the message I got from Mallory

So sad to hear. Prayers for Leanna and her family. It sounds like Hospice is involved. So sad to hear.
Leanna is the queen of powder coating! She's done some parts for me with super quality.
But this is sad news.
The FABO members loves you Leanna❤️
Wow, that's very sad. Best wishes to her family and friends.
Very sad she’s so young. I’m sorry to hear this, she will always be remember. Many of our tenured members here are leaving for a better place. Prayers sent.
oh no, she did some valve covers for me and we talked several times. This so sad and such a shock, prayers sent, Joe
Speculation here, could it be something sorta like black lung from all the blasting and powder coat material exposures?
Have no idea but it does raise curiosity
I just saw Cudachick1968 was last on here in Sept, prayers to Billy and family
I’ve reached out to Mallory to keep ne posted and will update this thread as I hear something
Interesting. She sent me a Paypal invoice on 11/10 for some valve covers she was working on.
She told me she has been feeling really crappy since mid September, on November 5th we were messaging back and forth and she told me she thought she had some “wicked pneumonia and not doing well at all” and that she could use some prayers. Poor girl, it turned out to be much worse than that….my heart aches for her, she was an amazing lady and this is hard….many prayers sent.
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So sad to learn of this. She was a true master of her craft and will be deeply missed by all her knew her. Prayers for her and her family at this difficult time.
Interesting. She sent me a Paypal invoice on 11/10 for some valve covers she was working on.
Yeah. She never stopped working until she just fell out I think Sunday or Monday night of this week. I don't believe hospice is even involved. If they are, It's VERY, VERY last minute. She thought all she had was a virus or upper respiratory infection so she just kept pluggin along. I talked to her last about two weeks ago, I guess. She was talkin about being sick still. She had been talkin about it since about the first of September or so. I told her to try and get in to a doctor.