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Working on another Demon and would like to find some original/NOS exhaust. Here is a list of items I am looking for
#2823462 Exhaust Hangers Up to $300.00 each (2)
#1603364 2 1/4" Saddle Clamps $100.00 each (2)
2" Exhaust Tip Q Clamps $150.00 each (1)
#3583718 Need 2
#3466244 Need 2
#3466901 Need 2
Offer on mufflers will vary with date codes.1971-early 1972 preferred would be interested in any $500-1000.00 each.
Let me know what you might be sitting on
Thanks again FABO
#2823462 Exhaust Hangers Up to $300.00 each (2)
#1603364 2 1/4" Saddle Clamps $100.00 each (2)
2" Exhaust Tip Q Clamps $150.00 each (1)
#3583718 Need 2
#3466244 Need 2
#3466901 Need 2
Offer on mufflers will vary with date codes.1971-early 1972 preferred would be interested in any $500-1000.00 each.
Let me know what you might be sitting on