For the small coolant leaks like that, I like to use the powdered alumaseal or quicksteel sealers... They are a powder that you pour into the radiator and let the engine warm up and run for 35 - 45 minutes... The powder will "melt" when the engine reaches running temp and then as it goes through the leaky areas will "clog" them and stop them from leaking... You don't need the whole tube, just 1/4 to 1/3 of it... I use this on every freshly rebuilt engine when I do the first start... Or when you take the water pump bolts out that are drilled through to the water jacket... I keep a tube of it in my glove box in case of emergency...
One of my coworkers was a mopar guy like me and his son was also... One day one of his son's crusing buddies had a 80's Monte Carlo with a sb chevy and the water pump gasket had a chunk missing and was leaking... I had my alumaseal in my glove box and we put it in his radiator and ran it for 40 minutes until it stopped leaking to get him home... He planned to fix it later... He ended up selling the car a few weeks later and never fixed the gasket, but the alumaseal was still working...
I don't recommend using Bar's leak because it can clog radiator and heater core passages...
Here's what the sealer looks like and you can find it at most parts stores...
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