water pump on 360



Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2010
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cadillac michigan
I have a leak on one of my water pump bolts that hold the alternator bracket on! I read the service manual and it does not say to use RTV on bolts upon assembly. my question is should I use RTV on bolts or do I have another problem that I am not aware of that is causing this issue?
This was on a 273 so not sure if it is identical on a 360. I recently moved my alternator mounting adjuster bracket to the proper hole which is the lower one on the bracket. That bolt does penetrate into the water jacket ( I think the upper one - partially hidden by the belt - does too but not sure) I put anti seize in the threads and it has held fine.

I always use RTV on any bolt that goes into a water jacket/port and never have a leak.
RTV makes a mess to clean up at a later time.
I use teflon paste on clean fresh built engines that have never seen coolant.
On engines like yours, that will have residual coolant in the threads, use teflon tape.
RTV makes a mess to clean up at a later time.
I use teflon paste on clean fresh built engines that have never seen coolant.
On engines like yours, that will have residual coolant in the threads, use teflon tape.
my engine is a "fresh rebuild" and I only put water in it to see if I would have any leaks! can I use the Teflon paste or do I still have to use the tape because of the water?
my engine is a "fresh rebuild" and I only put water in it to see if I would have any leaks! can I use the Teflon paste or do I still have to use the tape because of the water?

I use permatex aviation gasket sealer it’s black and sticky but seals very well. On bolts only of course.
I use permatex aviation gasket sealer it’s black and sticky but seals very well. On bolts only of course.
I bought some Permatex aviation sealer and it looks and smells just like the #2 Loctite gasket sealer I used that did not work. my question is what's the diff.
I would try to wind the crap out of the threads with telflon tape .
I would try to wind the crap out of the threads with telflon tape .
I put some Permatex thread sealer on it a little while ago and will let it sit over night and if does not work I will try the tape, if does not work I will try Permatex right stuff or red Loctite.
Good luck let us know what works either way .
A engineer caught his wife sleeping with a mechanic so he’s gonna get back at all of us !
Bolts in water jacket who woulda thought !
Use blue loctite!
Its a thread sealant too. Also prevents bolts from siezing.
That bolt is supposed to have a thick Belleville-type washer on it. But; think about it. The coolant travels past the threads, up the bolt and fills that cavity around it. And it's under pressure. So it's desperate to get out. But if it's 50/50 antifreeze, it will eventually corrode the aluminum so bad it will make it nearly impossible to remove. So you can tighten that Belleville washer and stop the leak.... but that won't stop that chit behind it from happening.
Good luck let us know what works either way .
I called and talked to my engine builder and he suggested using Permatex "Right Stuff" and to put some in bolt hole first and some on the bolt! well I did not put some in hole first because I knew that some material would definitely end up in my water jacket (cooling system) so what I did was I took some electrical tape and wrapped it around bolt about 1 1/2" to 2" back from end of threads and made sure that it just barely fit into bolt hole, so that it would act like a piston and shove right stuff forward as I screwed bolt in and as bolt was going into threads the right stuff would also be forced backwards off of threads filling the bolt hole with the right stuff and blocking the hole so water (coolant) can not escape! I have no leak(s) at the moment and it is working fine so far, I also believe that the tape was the trick and will work with any of the thread sealers I tried to use! if I ever have this problem again I will try a different sealant so that I will know! Bill