Zoom application.



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Kid uses it for home schooling now and I used it for my bible study this morning. Anyone want to do a virtual tour of your garage? Mine is a hot mess! Showcase your projects and pitfalls. Invite only or it will get trolled by KKK members...
I’ve used it with our church’s recovery program step study. It worked pretty well. Definitely something to get used to. Being old and stubborn I’m having a hard time to adjusting to the technology.
I never use it but have customers that do.
One guy's eyesight is so bad I set him up with a projector on one end of the room with a up to 144 inch screen projected on the opposing wall.
His desktop icons are the size of a serial box.

I worked on a completely blind guy's computer once with braille keyboard, and a braille finger reader than blasted puffs of air on to your finger as it read the characters on the screen.

That was a mind blower.

Sound cards were in their infancy (around 1993). He had a bad *** one but not every app supported it.