Wife got herself a deer this morning



Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Kingston IL
With the Neon...

On her way to work about a quarter to six. Deer ran out from the corn field and skipped across the hood. She said she hit it in the belly and it smashed the hood down pretty good. **** all over the car too. She saw it run off. She's fine, thank god. Scared her a little I'm sure. The car has 172k on it and she has already hit two LARGE raccoons, several birds and been in the ditch in the winter twice with it. The front fascia was already pretty smacked and cracked to say the least. Back in June, someone backed into it and it rolled into a building too. Poor little car. Now it looks like I need to make a trip to the junkyard for a new hood. It's almost hilarious now to think what that car has been through.
The Neon before this one we tagged an 8 point buck with. He landed dead and the car, although it ran, was totaled. I was hoping for some road kill this time too but I guess no such luck. I love venison jerky.
Thats one thing I dont miss about NW Pennsylvania. I've killed two and my sister hit 2 or 3. Luckily I was in some pretty big Ford pick ups and didnt do much other than kill the deer.
sounds like a few people that could use some defensive driving lessons. I've never hit a deer with any of my vehicles in 40 years of driving, coast to coast and near everything in between.
Saturday morning at 5 AM my neighbor saw a Bull Elk on two legs eating apples from the apple tree directly in front of one of my bedroom windows while I slept peacefully guarding my 64 at the other window
sounds like a few people that could use some defensive driving lessons. I've never hit a deer with any of my vehicles in 40 years of driving, coast to coast and near everything in between.

Hey GT, I'm sure ya meant well, but that's a pretty ignorant statement.

Yeah, I've never hit a deer either, and we have scads of them around here. Year round. That's why I've bought a spare front end for the Dart. Ya just never know.

I watch diligently, but those pesky little buggers can come out of nowhere, and even if you do see them, they can certainly change direction in less than the blink of an eye. They don't know that cars hurt.

I had one back in April almost run into the side of my truck. Now how would I drive defensively to avoid that?
Hey GT, I'm sure ya meant well, but that's a pretty ignorant statement.

Yeah, I've never hit a deer either, and we have scads of them around here. Year round. That's why I've bought a spare front end for the Dart. Ya just never know.

I watch diligently, but those pesky little buggers can come out of nowhere, and even if you do see them, they can certainly change direction in less than the blink of an eye. They don't know that cars hurt.

I had one back in April almost run into the side of my truck. Now how would I drive defensively to avoid that?
X2 on this statement. Was cruseing home late one night in the cuda, of all vehicles, and a deer jumped out in front of me, I went to the oposing lane to miss it and did only to smack another doe. hit her in the rump and spun her a few 360`s. My heart fell in my gut cause I new my grill would be destroyed, if not more. Kept going, did`nt want to see the carnage. Got home to check damage. wtf? none? only a big hunk of hair around headlight trim screw. But later discovered it shifted bumper over a little that chipped a little paint, yet to be reshifted. I LUCKED OUT!!! tough little cars, them cudas8)
sounds like a few people that could use some defensive driving lessons. I've never hit a deer with any of my vehicles in 40 years of driving, coast to coast and near everything in between.

Better knock on wood now! She does know not to swerve to miss a deer. That's how people kill themselves. All you can do is brake or keep your pace when one decides he's coming outta the corn. It was foggy this am as well. At 60mph, not much time to do anything.

Tell me you at least cut the antlers off and mounted them for her? I did that to my buddies car and after they totaled it i stole his key and hung it around the horns and gave it to him wrapped up as a present! haha:cheers:
It wasn't a buck this time. I'll post pics when she gets home from work. She drove it the remaining 55 miles to work after reporting it. Said it's just the hood this time. When you drive the same car almost 175k miles over country road in the early am and late night, your bound to hit something eventually, lol!
my friends call me the deer magnet.. I see deer at least a couple times a week on my way to work.. When I was younger I got one with an old Pinto wagon (I was 16)... and then after I got married the first time, we were heading home from my sister in laws on Christmas night.. one jumped off a hillside.. never saw it.. even when it hit the passenger side of the car and caved in the door.. just saw its head for a split second.. scared the family to death.. Me and the Cobalt have had many near misses.. I watch for the them all the time.. I have been lucky for a long time now.. more importantly, Bambi has decided for now to only try and take out the Cobalt.. They seem to be sparing the Dart.. Keepin my fingers crossed at all times LOL
It's not possible to avoid deer if you have to regularly drive through an area with an out-of-control population (big hunting club lands), all you can do is pray that you will not be in the wrong place at wrong time. I hit one with a Ramcharger that dented the bumper, the passenger seat lock broke and the headrest spidered the windshield. Thank God I was alone! A buck ran into the side of my Crown Vic (simmilar to avarageerod) and I popped the dent out with one of those suction cup thinggies. Those were within about 3 months. That's when I learned that most wild frightened animals instinctivly run AWAY from large dark shapes. When they get in your headlights, they instinctivly run away from their own shadow - directly at your car!
The worst critter damage I had was an armadillo my wife ran over in her Grand am. It completely wiped-out the exhaust from the (stop-sign-sized) cat all the way back to the exhaust tip! Freakin armadillos!
Luckily I have never hit one. But living in Eastern Washington it is not like they are not around. When I lived in NJ I had a neighbor who nailed one on his motorcycle, somehow he did not crash. But it destroyed the fairing on his bike. Had a friend who hit one with the left front corner of his car, taking out the headlight. 2 weeks later a few miles down the road from the initail hit he got one with the right front, taking that headlight out also...
Thats one thing I dont miss about NW Pennsylvania. I've killed two and my sister hit 2 or 3. Luckily I was in some pretty big Ford pick ups and didnt do much other than kill the deer.

Tell me about it, if you can survive PA without ever hitting a deer you have witnessed a miracle.
I've got two to my credit. One big buck went up and over my wifes Sunfire(thank god). A few people have been killed around here from big whitetails. One guy on a motorcycle was killed by a goose, just up the road from me. Hit him in the chest.
One got me about 6:05 AM today about 4 miles from work in my 2010 wrangler with 3000 miles on it. took off both passenger side plastic fenders but didnt get into the sheet metal ....by the way the deer didnt make it.
I used to live in fear of this when I rode motorcycles. I know a guy that hit one at 70 on a sport tourer (with passenger) and lived to tell about it. I'm guessing that is an exception, not the rule.
Tell me about it, if you can survive PA without ever hitting a deer you have witnessed a miracle.

No joke! I remember the last one like it was yesterday. I was going to a friends house in our 93 F-250 4 wd. 460, club cab- that thing was a tank. I had my four wheeler in the back and Jimmy Hendrix was singing All Along the Watch Tower- everything was great and all the sudden BANG. Little bastard came out of a corn field on my left. I felt him go under both drivers side tires and that was it! Lukily it didnt even bend the damn bumper! Try that with a new Ford!! That bumper had to have been 3/16 thick!!