


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2017
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Santa Maria, Ca.
Veterans Day Weekend


National boycott of the NFL for Sunday November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums. Pass this post along to all your friends and family.. Honor our military, some of whom come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
Veterans Day Weekend


National boycott of the NFL for Sunday November 12th, Veterans Day Weekend. Boycott all football telecast, all fans, all ticket holders, stay away from attending any games, let them play to empty stadiums. Pass this post along to all your friends and family.. Honor our military, some of whom come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
I so agree!!
Totally ignore them for the whole season. Longer if necessary. OR, send them to Afganistan and see if they still want to take a knee !
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Id love to watch some football this veterans days weekend, but my little girl (who turned 4 today) is singing "america the beautiful" at Church

gotta prioritize you know
here ya guys go
(should start at the 4.40 mark, but feel free to watch the entire message aswell)

I was always taught freedom of speech has respect.I don't watch football anymore.Especially Pittsburgh.I've been a fan of 52 years
It would have been nice if it worked. The attendance was up today because people are no longer able to unite for a cause. It is also the reason a union today does not have power. People now are afraid to stick together for cause.
Surfin past the Falcons game, stands 80% empty. If they don't get the message we should hit them harder next week!
They want to protest? They're not donating those huge salaries to their respective causes.......
They are using other peoples money to get their bs out instead of spending theirs
Of course, by even talking about the NFL protests you are giving a victory for the protesters. Boycotting games does even more to keep it in the headlines.

Staying silent and ignoring it takes all the wind out of their sails.

The best way to shut down something is to not give it airplay. Watch or do not watch games at your discretion, but keep silent and it will go away like a fart in the wind.
I have REFUSED to watch NFL all year. I have heard several different numbers, but the average is that revenues are down about 35%. I sent the NFL Commissioner an Email (just Google how to do it). I told him how disgusted I was with the whole thing. I also said I knew he didn't care what a nobody like me thinks, but that there are millions of us. And I suggested he grow a pair and do something about it before revenue losses were above 50%. They are so arrogant. I heard that ESPN had to lay off 12 people because of this.
Totally ignore them for the whole season. Longer if necessary. OR, send them to Afganistan and see if they still want to take a knee !
Ever since I gave up the NFL, my life has become more interesting.
I spend Sundays cruising cars or motorcycles, to little towns. I'm seeing scenery like never before, and appreciating the relaxation.
When it gets too cold to cruise, I will start a new project. NFL will be over by then and there's no sports other than Supercross, worth watching IMO.

I will say it's not been easy, cause I'm a KC Chiefs fan, but they need to understand how they affect the real money. US!
I was one of the very few Lions fans but stopped watching after a few of the players took a knee. I still watch the news for the score but refuse to watch the game.
Ever since I gave up the NFL, my life has become more interesting.
I spend Sundays cruising cars or motorcycles, to little towns. I'm seeing scenery like never before, and appreciating the relaxation.
When it gets too cold to cruise, I will start a new project. NFL will be over by then and there's no sports other than Supercross, worth watching IMO.

I will say it's not been easy, cause I'm a KC Chiefs fan, but they need to understand how they affect the real money. US!

The above comments worth reading again!!!!! Spend that Sunday meeting a new car guy, that has a project or parts for sale. Make new contacts. Yes see the small towns if you are locked in the surburbs! \
And I do not miss watching NFL either!!!