8 3/4 Trac-loc?


Mike 340

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Reaction score
Just took out my center section does anyone know what I have hear?
Came out of a 741 case.
Will this fit in a 489 case?
I know that the gears are bad, but I wanted to know is it a Trac-loc and will it fit in a 489 case?
It is in a 741 know. And yes what is up with the heat mark?
I know that the gears are bad, but I wanted to know is it a Trac-loc and will it fit in a 489 case?
It is in a 741 know. And yes what is up with the heat mark?
Trac-Lock is a Ford term. There is no such thing as. 8.75 trac-loc . Therefore the answer to your question is no, you do not have a "Trac-Loc" and no a Ford Trac-Loc will not fit in your Chrysler 8.75

What you have is a 8.75 "Suregrip" .

Yep, I'm that guy.... again
That is the clutch type sure grip.

I'm pretty sure if I looked it up they called that the 4 pinion power lock and the cone type was the 2 pinion trac lock. IIRC. I could go look it up, but I'm pretty sure.
I thought that a Sure grip used a clutch disc set up?
And that is why I asked the question.
Sorry for not knowing the correct terminology.
So is it a good unit to rebuild, or are they "junk"?
I just took both cases to my rebuilder I am trying to figure out what direction to go?
I've seen those blue marks on several sure grips and it's never been a problem. Not saying yours doesn't need taken apart and checked. That's always a good thing to do. As a couple others have already said it'll fit into any 8-3/4 case as long as you use the correct side bearings as their different on the clutch type to the cone type. And the correct term for the one you have is the power lock sure grip
Thank you for all of your information!
As usual you people here on FABO are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
you have a power lock ,, an excellent unit to use --- get yourself a new clutch kit make sure you have it installed correctly as the clutches have to be stacked properly for the unit to work right and the proper side bearings and have it installed into your 489 case --- the blue marks at the cross shaft ramps is case hardening from the factory to lessen wear from the cross shafts as they move up to lock up the assembly.
So is it a good unit to rebuild, or are they "junk"?
I just took both cases to my rebuilder I am trying to figure out what direction to go?
It's junk. Please send it to me and I'll "repurpose" it as needed. :D