AJ's Opinion,



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Jan 19, 2014
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South-Central Manitoba,Canada, 900ftelevation
--Yeah so, as you guys know by now, I got a lot of opinions. After nearly 50 years of wrenching maybe a guy gets into a rut, IDK. And I'm forever butting into other's posts and wreaking havoc. So I decided Maybe I should start a thread of my own. I think this might be my second thread.
Feel free to add your own opinions, and stories, etc

I'll start
I dated a few girls in highschool, nothing serious. I was a shy guy, and the girls all wanted more.So by the time I graduated, I had a pretty good idea of what I didn't like or want in a girl, not that I was shopping for a wife, mind you.
- At age 18, a guy is not looking too far past looks, nor too far into the future. But if I was to be looking, I decided to make a wish list.
So guys will know what was the number one thing, so I'll skip over that.
Well no 2 was height.I had to be taller;no question. I was about 5ft9. She would be about 5ft2
#3 was legs;They had to be just right; if they were too short, well you know Spitfires are not tail-dragers, and if they were too long, well kissing while making love would be awkward, cuz, well you know....So
#4 Hair; RED. no options. and long. Yeah..long red thick flowing mopp my face,red, hair.
#5 weight; 100 to 105, so I could carry her over the threshold. I was 145, fit, but no powerhouse.
6) I would have to meet her mother right away. If she was size large, I was moving on.My girl would be slim, and trim,forever.
6b) I would have to meet her dad. If we had nothing in common, gatherings would be awkward.
7) I didn't give two hoots about the rest of her family, as long as they didn't push their religion on me.
Notice how focused I was on her physically.
8) Since we were gonna have to talk between making babies, I thought it would be good if we had something in common. And her voice better not sound like fingernails on the chalkboard, and no baby-talk.
9)And I supposed that she ought to be able to cook and clean and do women's work, while I did the man-work, like earn a living, fix every dang broken thing, paint the house and climb ladders and other man-stuff, Seemed reasonable to me at the time.
10)I thought it would be nice if she joined me in the garage from time to time, .....with little to nothing on,for example.
11) Since I had no God at the time I didn't much care about hers.
12) mostly I just cared what she would look like...

- So a couple of years go by and I'm 20 and no girlfriend.
And a couple more go by,and I'm now living in the basement of my sister and her husband, eating leftovers and no job, and still single.Well this is bothering every body except me.
- December 1975, my sister more or less commands me to accompany her and her hubby to a wedding reception, to which she will be maid of honor, and hubby will be bestman. Oh and by-the-way there will be a girl there we want you to meet.
- Oh-boy, what crap is this now? She's playing matchmaker. Well since they are feeding me and housing me and providing toilet paper, I decide it would be in my best interest to at least go.
- So, at the appointed time, I am ready, and off we go. Later at the dance, I meet her.
Whoa! number one, check. #2,crap she's tall(5ft4), #3 crap her legs are short(nice buns tho), #4 crap no long red hair; blond and could hardly be any shorter; a pixie cut. What was my sister thinking?, #5, well at least the weight looks about right, #6,7 and 8, don't bother this is going nowhere fast. #9,10,and11, who cares;after this night I will never see her again. POW! But it was hard to get past #1.
- So we drank a little and danced a little, and of course the music is loud so we can't really talk, but there's other people we know at the table, so we all just getting along. Yup; beer, babes, and loud music, I'm 23, and life is grand. Inevitably we all get a little loose, and then it happens; Maestro plugs in a waltz.
- Well I can dance. I took lessons. I paid a professional to teach me. I know every step and foot position there is. I took lessons from a very attractive somewhat older than me professional teacher.Stacked, teacher. I had the tightest drawers in the building. Yeah, so I digress. But I really can dance. This pixie cannot. Up to this point, that has been very evident.Almost painfully so. So, now, we are gonna have to get close, so I can steer her.Remember I'm still shy. Ok, since this is gonna be a one-time deal, I can do it. So I gather up this short-haired,skinny,totally un-coordinated, 18.8 year old, top-heavy young girl with the floor-length gown, and move in. Well Jimenez-Cricket! Contact! This is a waltz, but my legs don't know it.There is something pressing into my chest, I have never felt before, and it's destroying my legs. Well I bummble my way through that, and the song ends, and another waltz follows. So she's liking this. She goes for the two-stepper style waltz. OMG. Again those two God-created, man-melting, pillows, attack me, with an unbelievable energy. Song ends, everybody sits down. More beer please.
- I have no recollection of how I got home that night, but I'm pretty sure there was no more dancing.
- So time goes by, and the memory of that evening, dances fondly behind my eyes. What? Lemme see that checklist. Yup 1.5 points so far. Now what am I thinking! Forget her. But I cannot. She just felt so good in my arms.So I get her phone number from my sister, and call her up. Yeah, she'll see me for coffee, at a local Robin's. Well I want an excuse to be able to dash, so I grab my brother, and off we go. I arrange with my brother that upon a secret signal, he will need to leave,and since I'm driving....
- So we have coffee. I've never had coffee before. I have 5 cups.To this day I have never had coffee again.But we talk. Turns out she's shy too.Opinion #1;I think boy-shy is different from girl-shy.So it's getting late, and I never gave little brother the signal. I still don't like her much, but her short blond hair is growing on me, and her voice is smooth,and I notice that as she sits across the table from US(I'm sober today), when she sits, I don't have to duck much to be eye-to-eye. Or lip-to-lip, I'm supposing.I also notice that she really fills out that sweater she's wearing.What is wrong with me? So WE take her home and brother and I take the Swinger out, hell-raising 'til the middle of the night. He screams like a girl but loves every minute of it.
- I don't recall our first real date. It mighttabin on her birthday a few weeks later,in early March. I bought her a charm for her heavy-as-an-axehead bracelet that was already loaded with charms. Nothing personal. Shortly after that (around April)we were living together.By fall I had proposed(she says it was on Elvis's birthday). Before a year had passed we were married;April 77. That's a long time ago, according to how men count time.
- Her mother was huge. Her father was dead. Her family was Christian. Nobody pushed me.Her voice is sweet. And man-oh-man,could she cook.I gained 6 pounds between fitting the wedding-Tux and picking up the Tux a couple of weeks later. Six-day crash diet, and thank goodness for the Cumber-bunt. I learned to rebuild the house, the car, the washer/dryer, the sagging furniture, and to empty litterboxes, you know; man-work. She dyed her hair RED and grew it long, and from time-to-time, well you know.....We made babies. We have three wonderful kids. Along the way my soul got saved.
- But the epitome of my dreams, was the visit in the garage, and it will, sadly, remain in my imagination, forever.
- That would be 11 out of 11.
In my opinion; It don't get no better than that.
But this one thing I have learned; tits trumps everything.
All opinions expressed by the first poster are his and his alone and cannot be argued with, cuz, well, I have a shotgun.
Needs paragraphs .....:violent1:

In life, seldom do you get what you want but often you'll get what you need.
My list was short. Not a ***** on her period. I know, tall order.
She understand that it is MY money and she may not always be taken out for dinners, movies, etc.... SO NON NEGOTIABLE!!!!
And lastly, she understands I'm a car nut. If she can't handle it, the door has her name in the knob.

Been married 26 years. Currently building here 360 for her A body Cuda. And my car sits as the new project takes over. :violent1:

Oh! Getting along and enjoying each other's hobbies is paramount. Everything and everybody else can go scratch. I have nothing in common with her pop, but he is cool people. Her mom is a scream! Funny as heck. Nothing in common really. But we all have a great time.
What a great story! You have writing chops to go with your wrenching and advice chops! Looking forward to more but I gotta ask, that has to be your wife???????
I have a pretty good one too but not yet-------------
I haven't finished editing yet, and BaBamm, 4 posts are added!

Well how in the world do I indent to start a paragraph? I see a tab button, but how do I install it?
My enter button does not indent.
the only thing different, is my wife didn't need to dye her hair, she is a natural red head with blue eyes, still beautiful to this day. I searched mine out too, but she had to be Irish.lol
#3 was legs;They had to be just right; if they were too short, well you know Spitfires are not tail-draggers,

Ummm, actually, yes the Supermarine Spitfire was a tail-dragger :)


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Fantastic thread AJ. Reminds me of what I tell my boys who haven't yet reached the age of female commitment...."All woman are crazy but it's our job to find one that's less crazy than the rest, who likes to hang with us".
I burped a beer burp.
My wife just left for work.
Bout time for bed.
Life is good.
I was kinda hoping for others to jump in with their opinions. like;
I hate cheap toilet paper. A self explanatory opinion.or
kids crayons suck. or
I believe;the end of the age is upon us;I believe you should get your name into the Book of Life,before it's too late.

-Opinions;not debates. Opinions are what we have when what we have learned has gelled into belief.
-Opinions are like colors;Why do we call a ripe tomato;red? How red is it? is the color you call red, the same as the color I call red? Do I call it red cuz my mommy called it red? Who was the first person to ever call it red, and why should I believe that red is red? Well, you might offer that science today has tools to measure colors.... but wait! Somebody, somewhere had to designate a measurement as red or degree of redness.So over the course of time, I have come to believe that ripe tomatos are red. I have formed an opinion.
-So lets get to know each other better.Politics and sports,excepted for now.And Rusty's eating habits excepted, period....
I'll start
-It is my opinion that media today is leading us down a path of misinformation and outright lies.The school system is designed to graduate automatons that have been brain-washed into a standard template of; believe whatever the leader says,don't worry/be happy, everything is the same since our forefathers were living.True history is polluted, hidden and/or destroyed.
-Strong words you say? Hey, it's an opinion; what I have learned has gelled into a belief.And it's not politics or sports.
Your turn;
I was kinda hoping for others to jump in with their opinions. like;
I hate cheap toilet paper. A self explanatory opinion.or
kids crayons suck. or
the end of the age is upon us, get your name into the Book of Life,pronto!

OK, for now I have this----Always remember we are only renting time, air, and space here!
Well said..

I knew YOU would like that.I saved it for last. Every other word I tried just didn't convey the impact they have had on my life. Sick I used to suspect, but every single male I have ever polled, agreed; so we must be all be sick, or all be normal.Choose wisely,grasshopper.
Of course, my wife thinks I'm akin to a pervert. She has no concept of the power of the breast.
Riddle me this; Why did God put those there? To feed babies? Is that it? Well then when your 1.2 babies are born and weaned, why don't they just fall off;their work being done? And why do Muslim men force their wives to completely cover their bodies in public? Could it be they don't trust their brothers? And why do we fathers implore our daughters to wear modest clothing,after they reach puberty? Could it be we don't trust our sons?
My opinion is this; God put them there,to be an in-your-face reminder that he created woman from and for man, to be a helpmate,and different from man, easily recognizable. And since God took a piece of Adam to make Eve, Adam's body continually craved his wife; the piece of his body that was not there.Since men don't have them, men do not crave men.Normally.God had a plan for men and women to get together, and commanded us to be fruitful and multiply.And he made it real easy, cuz man-on-man don't multiply. This is an opinion.
When I met my wife to be, and our bodies touched for the first time, my body knew something I didn't. My dancing-legs turned to rubber. This had never happened before and recall that I was 22.5 years old. It never happened when mom hugged me, or aunty, or previous girlfriends, or even the stacked dance-instructor.My body had found it's missing part.
Another opinion.
And I'm wreaking havoc in my own thread......Thx Ben
IMHO - (more like an observation really) - women - they wonder why we get confused - they want a guy to find them attractive - yet they get mad when "we" want sex for a 3rd time in one day.. go figure. :twisted:
IMHO - (more like an observation really) - women - they wonder why we get confused - they want a guy to find them attractive - yet they get mad when "we" want sex for a 3rd time in one day.. go figure. :twisted:

Please allow me some liberty to reformulate that observation into an opinion;
It make me sad that my wife doesn't find love-making quite as exciting as I do.
IMHO - (more like an observation really) - women - they wonder why we get confused - they want a guy to find them attractive - yet they get mad when "we" want sex for a 3rd time in one day.. go figure. :twisted:

You shouldn't be trying for the hat-trick with the same one! Spread the love around!!!
I didn't mention my wife... :twisted:
Please allow me some liberty to reformulate that observation into an opinion;
It make me sad that my wife doesn't find love-making quite as exciting as I do.

thankfully, most mistakes are repairable.. :banghead:
You shouldn't be trying for the hat-trick with the same one! Spread the love around!!!