Canadian Shipping Fees/Taxes



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
West Sacramento, CA
I'm considering purchasing a car part from someone in Canada (I'm in California) and am trying to figure out how the fees/taxes work so I know how much I need to pay him.

Will I be charged customs fees when the item is delivered? If so, how are those fees determined?

Also, does Paypal automatically do the USD to CAD conversion?
PayPal CAN do the conversion. There will be a generous amount of fees 8n my opinion thru PP.
As far as exporting from here to US, I would think that there will be some broker fees, but that would come from US side. Similar to when we bought the 67 from Jim in CO, and brought here to Ontario. We did everything ourselves, and the US were not concerned with much other than paperwork 72 hrs in advance and approx $300 US in "taxes".
Feel free to pm me if I can help in anyway.
Oh it's been a few years, but in Ontario I believe there is only one crossing for vehicle export/import.
I'm considering purchasing a car part from someone in Canada (I'm in California) and am trying to figure out how the fees/taxes work so I know how much I need to pay him.

Will I be charged customs fees when the item is delivered? If so, how are those fees determined?

Also, does Paypal automatically do the USD to CAD conversion?
purchasing a car part from someone in Canada (I'm in California)
We get nailed for anything coming INTO Canada. I have never had anyone state they got charged any brokerage or taxes going the other way!
I have shipped quite a bit to Canada and have also had items shipped to me. As a shipper, I have the option to cover duty to Canada and it is ridiculously high in my opinion. Never have I had to pay for anything coming to me though.
Thanks guys. The guy I'm buying the part from seems like a stand-up guy. I spoke with him this morning and he mentioned if anything, I may have to pay a customs fee when the part is delivered to me. I've never bought anything from Canada though, so I wasn't sure how that worked.

He said just send him the USD amount through Paypal and it would do the conversion when it went to his account - easy enough. He's going to handle the shipping, which he's very familiar with. I just want to make sure the post office isn't going to hold the part hostage and make me pay a small ransom to pick it up. He said to help reduce any fees, he'd declare a lower value for the part. Does that help any?
Sorry I didnt realize it was a part. I thought it was a car. I've sold tons to our US brothers with NO issues. I always ship Canada Post and they hand it over to USPS. Again never an issue.
IF you do put a lower value on it, and its shipped "insured" then the declared amount is what you MAY get if its lost/damaged. Also the shipping cost is NOT covered.
Sorry I didnt realize it was a part. I thought it was a car. I've sold tons to our US brothers with NO issues. I always ship Canada Post and they hand it over to USPS. Again never an issue.
IF you do put a lower value on it, and its shipped "insured" then the declared amount is what you MAY get if its lost/damaged. Also the shipping cost is NOT covered.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.