"Dr. Death" is .....well.... seriously dead

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Oct 14, 2010
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and evidently didn't even get to try out his own medicine-- suicide, that is. The infamous "Dr. Death," Jack Kevorkian, died at 83

He had been out of prison since 2007, having been convicted of 2nd degree murder for his efforts to "help" people commit suicide. He had claimed some 130 people enlisted his "services."
Yup. And I'm sure the sick and twisted b@st@rd will be rotting for all eternity where it's very hot with nothing to :drinkers: You know the sun seems to be shining a whole lot brighter today.

We put our pets out of their misery why is it not okay to end a person's misery if that person chooses?
We put our pets out of their misery why is it not okay to end a person's misery if that person chooses?

Because that would go against some people's understanding of what their god wants, and those people -- who in many places are in the majority -- aren't content to conduct themselves in accord with their own beliefs and values; they consider it very important to enforce their chosen religious beliefs on everyone else under the guise of "morality". :roll:
I've always agreed with Dr. Kavorkian specially when it comes to people suffering from debilitating and painful illnesses.
I just thought that if the practice was allowed to flourish in larger circles then it would eventually morph into a popular business that would take advantage of people down on their luck and wanting to end it all by going to a death clinic just because things don't go their way.
Maybe that's why the powers that be made the argument not to allow this practice because they saw that it might come to that...dunno, I don't have the transcripts of the arguments.

Religious or not, I agree with SL-6 Dan's position.
I think someone ought to have the right to end their life with the aid of another if they so choose.
Because that would go against some people's understanding of what their god wants, and those people -- who in many places are in the majority -- aren't content to conduct themselves in accord with their own beliefs and values; they consider it very important to enforce their chosen religious beliefs on everyone else under the guise of "morality". :roll:

X2 DAN!!! first off Dr. Assisted suicide has been going on for years & years via prescriptions and thru the use of different medications that the patient is TOLD should not be taken together or with alcohol. the ONLY diff between them and Dr K was he just came right out and said it!!

ANYONE and I mean ANYONE who has watched a loved one suffer in agony with no possible chance of reversing the condition, cannot say without reservation that if THEY were in the same circumstance, that THEY would not want to be helped to just END the suffering. I have seen it in battle when some one steps on a mine and blows most of their body away....they are in absolute agony screaming bloody murder and they are DEEP into being in SHOCK...that kind of pain gets thru virtually anything!! I have seen their comrades put a round in their heads to stop the torture! I am religious I believe in God and I condoned and supported what I witnessed without so much as a shadow of doubt that MY Lord would not want ANYONE to endure that level of suffering. The "offer it up" stuff is for when you break a leg and have a possibility of HEALING.... screaming in agony for months and allowing that to continue is inhumane....if this situation is NOT a place that you have ever personally experienced, then you have no say.
I do not condone suicide because you lost your women or you lost all your money or you just feel like it all isnt worth it anymore..... THAT is MY INTERPRETATION of what is communicated in the bible RE: suicide.....but if your health has deteriorated to a point where you are in constant agony with no hope of healing back to a NON agony condition....that is a horse of a much different color!!! you have to remember BOOKS were written by PEOPLE from their interpretation of what they were told by God or told by pther people that God said...the bible and all the religious teachings NOT ONE letter was hand written by Jesus OR God OR Buddah or Allah or any deity it was ALL written by MAN as interpreted BY MAN, save the ten commandments! SOrry for the rant BUT I HAVE seen people in agony, I have seen loved ones endure insane levels of pain for months on end and I cannot help thinking there is seriously something INCORRECT about a GOD that condones that level of suffering and teaches that we should all want to live no matter what!!!! A merciful God would NEVER MAKE SUCH AN INSIDIOUS DIRECTIVE....diametrically opposed to being a merciful God...makes NO sense!!!
NOT interested in DEBATE or attempts to convert I am satisfied where I am and with what I think....just sayin
Years ago I watched as a friend (in her early 30's) died from breast cancer that metastised into her bones. She rolled over in bed and her pelvis broke in half, it was horrible. She was begging for a quick end but her doctors were forbidden by law to help her out. The whole situation sucked.
Indeed anyone who has witnessed the most dear person in their life beg for an end to their suffering.....
Because that would go against some people's understanding of what their god wants, and those people -- who in many places are in the majority -- aren't content to conduct themselves in accord with their own beliefs and values; they consider it very important to enforce their chosen religious beliefs on everyone else under the guise of "morality". :roll:

Nail on the head. Right again (lol like normal)
I have to agree. In such cases of terminal illness, especially chronically painful illness the patient should have the option.
It goes against my grain to say that, because it opens the door to Obama's "End of life counciling" built into the Obamacare bill, but it makes far more sense to allow a person with no chance of recovery, and who is in excruciating pain to suffer until it kills him.

That's not an easy thing for me to say, but I think it's barbaric to force someone to suffer for days, or weeks, or even months in agonizing pain. How is that humane?
Google "right to die documentary" it was a very interesting documentary from start to finish uncensored of the initial thoughts to following through with the Dr. assisted suicide. This guy was a professor at a university who contracted some horrible disease which rendered his breathing useless unless he had his breathing apparatus on. He suffered very badly and could do nothing. For reasons he had to fly to Zurich to perform the procedure to end his agony.
Google "right to die documentary" it was a very interesting documentary from start to finish uncensored of the initial thoughts to following through with the Dr. assisted suicide. This guy was a professor at a university who contracted some horrible disease which rendered his breathing useless unless he had his breathing apparatus on. He suffered very badly and could do nothing. For reasons he had to fly to Zurich to perform the procedure to end his agony.

Why should that be necessary? This is one of the areas that I disagree with the political Right, and with the religious arguments against it.

We are capable of experiencing more pain, and living through it, than a more merciful god would allow, or a logical government, for that matter. I know how that sounds, and, as I said earlier, this is difficult for me to say (post). This is a decision that should be made by the sufferer. Our opinions are nothing more than that.
Another thread, case in point, where the resident liberals here seem to think they know what "everyone", religious and or conservative thinks.

Proven wrong again guys, time to enlighten yourselves with yoga or whatever the heck it is you libs do to clear your head and think before you type.
Another thread, case in point, where the resident liberals here seem to think they know what "everyone", religious and or conservative thinks.

Proven wrong again guys, time to enlighten yourselves with yoga or whatever the heck it is you libs do to clear your head and think before you type.

I've looked through this thread and can't find where anyone identified himself as a 'liberal' or 'conservative' or any other political term.

First, I never intended to turn this into a "yes we do" "no we don't" argument. Frankly, if you can figure out how to off yourself in a painful, terminal condition, that's up to you. I might just be tempted myself some day. I've lost two cousins, a sister, and two other good friends to cancer. The youngest was barely 18, his Uncle was only about 26, and the oldest of the group was my sister, in her early '50s

But what I CAN NOT figure out is if Danny Boy has me on his permanent ignore list, how is it that he knows how to reply to this thread? He informed me some time ago that he was not the LEAST bit interested in anything I had to say.
First you have the side that knows it is not murder and consider it helping someone. From there point of view it is ok and should be allowed by the government. I for one see where they are coming from as I hate to see people suffer. Then you have the people who think it is ok but not for them. And third you have the people, religious or not who know it to be murder in there eyes, that is why they disagree with assisted suicide. If you thought someone was killing people would you not try to stop it. I do not blame them for fighting for what they know in there eyes to be wrong. What I do not get is why all the hate from both sides of the issue. What has hate ever done for anybody but made things worse. So you see, in everyones point of view they are correct and should be able to fight for it, even if they are wrong. BBQ ribs smoked for 4 hours with my home made BBQ sauce, rub and some ice cold beer Sunday, Yahoo!! I think we can all agree that sounds good!!!! Have a great weekend guys and girls.
Another thread, case in point, where the resident liberals here seem to think they know what "everyone", religious and or conservative thinks.

Proven wrong again guys, time to enlighten yourselves with yoga or whatever the heck it is you libs do to clear your head and think before you type.

If there's a cogent point in this ranty-looking lump of text, it's very well hidden.
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