Warning !!! KNUXWAKO is a thief..



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria B.C. Canada
KNUXWAKO (aka DAVID SULLIVAN) ripped me off for a $100. for some tailpipe tips,, gave excuse his mother died, and a dozen other excuses over a coupla months,, so I finally gave up... but I just got a PM from another member, 66340SEDAN, he was ripped $250 for a fibreglass hood,.. the excuse this time was his brother was sick, and other B.S. so beware... His name is David Sullivan,, so any transaction involving that name will likely be a rip-off.. sorry I didn't post a warning sooner... anybody else been ripped by him???
Wow, sorry to hear, considering the amount of members we have here, no matter how much good will and great members we have, its bound to happen. That is until we out the person. If you think about it there is not a town/city anywhere with a population of 22000 people that is 100% crime free. Now with the amount of great members on here, it doesnt take long to weed the bad ones out. Unfortunately because its the internet, and very rarely meeting a member face to face for the most part the thieves go unpunished. My advice, check their feedback, and see how long they have been members. Maybe also check in their feedback, whom they have either bought/sold to, to see if there are any red flags(only dealing with new members). Phone numbers, complete address' will help to thin them out as well. Sorry to hear, good luck and hopefully you and 66340sedan can recoup some $$. My other thought is that when its appropriate to put the members name out on here, that you also put their real name and address.
Time for some pits justice. If someone rips me off I might track them down and beat their a$$. Wheres this David Sullivan a$$ from?
Time for some pits justice. If someone rips me off I might track them down and beat their a$$. Wheres this David Sullivan a$$ from?

I agree, list address, phone number etc. Not only for current justice, but to hopefully deter future wanna be thieves!
thank you for putting it out there,there needs to be more calling out of the low down scumbags who think its ok to take hard earned cash from good people because they cant seem to make money the legit way, sorry *** POS they should all be put in a room and get beat down one by one...there should be one thread here that lists ALL the scumbags screen names ,real names,addresses,phone numbers and a list of their dirty attempts at transactions and the dollar figures they have burned people for...seriously
thank you for putting it out there,there needs to be more calling out of the low down scumbags who think its ok to take hard earned cash from good people because they cant seem to make money the legit way, sorry *** POS they should all be put in a room and get beat down one by one...there should be one thread here that lists ALL the scumbags screen names ,real names,addresses,phone numbers and a list of their dirty attempts at transactions and the dollar figures they have burned people for...seriously

I like the idea of a **** list of scumbags and who not to deal with and what they ripped off others for.
the mods may have deleted it so the crooked f%$k cant try to "sell" anymore of his junk. FYI - the guy is a real POS
Well, at first, I sympathized for his loss,, and gave him a coupla months to grieve, then got back to him, and got nuthin but nasty in return.. I guess one bad deal outta dozens done here at FABO,, sooner or later it was likely to happen,, but I'm kicking myself for not speaking up before someone else got burned... sheesh...
THAT SUCKS! I hope this person gets caught. I'd be checking with a lawyer. It's not the $$ that matters,as this guy is obviously scamming for small amounts in the hopes he will get away with it.Dont let him off the hook. Chase him down.
Well. I'm retiring in January, and Motorhoming across the nation,, I plan on dropping in on him,, and recovering my money, in one form or another... he's not off the hook yet,,

He's going to go to bed each nite wondering if that's the night I'm coming for him,, I like contact sports,, lost most of my front teeth doing it..

have a nice day. . . . . David Sullivan
Well. I'm retiring in January, and Motorhoming across the nation,, I plan on dropping in on him,, and recovering my money, in one form or another... he's not off the hook yet,,

He's going to go to bed each nite wondering if that's the night I'm coming for him,, I like contact sports,, lost most of my front teeth doing it..

have a nice day. . . . . David Sullivan

Well, awhile back I sent him a USPS money order, had several excuses on why he didn't get around to shipping it, family issues I was told. Several weeks turned into months and still nothing. I kinda forgot about it but these new threads about people ripping people/members off had me upset. I looked up his profile and noticed he has a visitor message from another member who was upset about the same thing so I sent him a pm and it sounded like the same story. I sent knuxwako a pm and he replied this time, said he still has it and wants to talk, so I'll see what happens.

I had bought a dual snorkel hood scoop from him, think (have to check my pm's) it was $200 plus shipping. Then he offered to paint it for a little more $ to cover the paint. He did send me pictures of the part and seemed like a good guy so I guess I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I just want my money back, the scoop sure would be nice too though. I thought about posting a thread like this but I didn't. It was not my idea to do this but I understand the other members reason for doing this. I hope this will work out for both of us to get our money back. I hate that this happened and I hope he is not a thief, I don't have a money tree in my back yard, I work hard to save up for stuff like this.

Because of this I may now only deal with paypal, maybe I could have gotten my money back already. I will keep you all posted on how this pans out, thanks.