

Jason Cunningham

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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Blaaaaaaaaah, I hate winter. It is snowing, blowing, and COLD as a WITCHES BOOB up here in Calgary. Too cold to tie Rebar, can't drive my Mopar, bored as heck. Can't even detail the parts for my a230 swap. ( NO HEAT in my one car garage.) Think I am going to fire up my 4 wheel drive, and go to the LIQUOR STORE ! Eh !
Nice and warm here in Quebec as a matter of fact my rink is thawing. I wish I was back in Calgary but my family is all here now. I drove my Valiant all day doing Christmas shopping but alas now I have to have a few beers and hang out and wait for the cold to flood my rink. I Shure do miss those Calgary winters, and Alberta.

Thanks now I'm homesick.
Ha, ha, my wife would crap a brick, if I cleaned, painted, and detailed, car parts in the house ! My dad used to do thing like that though !
Ha, ha, my wife would crap a brick, if I cleaned, painted, and detailed, car parts in the house ! My dad used to do thing like that though !

Divorced now , so my dinning room table has changed a bit
since the divorce. Miss the wife but love the freedom I have car parts all over the place and motorcycle parts in the kitchen now. LOL.


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Been cold here, but when people start complaining, I usually just check up on "The King of Obsolete" up in Lynn Lake, Manitoba and see how it's doin' "up there"

What the King did today

I think that's a typo. He says


I'm sure he meant "-15C" rather than "+"
Wheels, I thought I was the only one with barracuda parts all over. Tammy has even gotten used to walking around the stuff when I leave something in the way. I'm not posting pictures
She blames it on my dad.
I remember once in Calgary I took my motorcycle apart carried it up 3 flites of stairs
one section at a time and then reassembled it in the living room of our third story apartment, you should have seen the look on my girl friends face when she walked in and saw the chopper in the living room, priceless. They only thing she got pissed off about was when she saw her good cookie sheet under the engine getting oil dripped on it. Having a good wife that will put up with car parts all over the place is also priceless. Yes cuda parts do make fine decorations. LOL
In an effort not to make our house become an indoor junk yard, I heated and A/C'd the garage.
It's much nicer working an an environment that is climate controlled, and it wasn't all that expensive, either. It's an electric A/C and heating unit, that mounts in the wall, and only requires a 220vac "dryer" plug for power.
I insulated the garage walls, and rafters, and put weather seals on the door. Works great, and is independent from the household heat and air.
During the summer I keep the garage at about 75 degrees, and during the winter at about 68 degrees. During the fall and spring I simple open the doors.
I have lighting in the ceiling (for when the door is closed), and at the top of the walls around the perimeter of the garage for when the door is open.

I've always figured that good lighting, enough room, and controlled temperature were all "musts" for a garage.

On top of that, I don't want to argue with the wife, or ruin the rugs, floors, furniture, walls, or window and door molding with grease from parts and dirty hands.
The original cost of outfitting the garage, was a bit of a set back to working on the cars, but in the long run, the time and expense saved from not having to clean, repaint, or replaced rugs, and such, turned out to be a time and money saver.
Not to mention that the place is always presentable when guests come over.
we did that to my neighbor's garage when I built it, then it was either to hot or to cold for him to walk 20 feet from his house to the garage, he didn't want to work on anything unless it was 70 outside, needless to say his auto repair business never took off.
I know the source of balls and brass monkeys. So there is an approximate reference point.
But I've often wondered: Just how cold is a Witch's Boob?
I learned a long time ago that putting your tungue on something that cold will get it stuck and cause pain but I love boobies so much even if a witch's boob were presented to me I still might be tempted!
Blaaaaaaaaah, I hate winter. It is snowing, blowing, and COLD as a WITCHES BOOB up here in Calgary. Too cold to tie Rebar, can't drive my Mopar, bored as heck. Can't even detail the parts for my a230 swap. ( NO HEAT in my one car garage.) Think I am going to fire up my 4 wheel drive, and go to the LIQUOR STORE ! Eh !

I am glad that you are going to handle this situation in a good mature way. It's what I would do also. LOL

I know the source of balls and brass monkeys. So there is an approximate reference point.
But I've often wondered: Just how cold is a Witch's Boob?

About 10 degrees colder than a well digger's ***.
I know the feeling... Last winter when I bought the Swinger I didn't have a heated garage, and it was the longest 6 months waiting for the crap to melt. Alberta has two seasons.. Winter and August.

This year I made it top priority to insulate and heat the garage.

If you're ever up this was give me a call!

It's been really cold up here in Edmonton too.