
Yes Winter is back for another season, I'd better go out and hook up the old plow:coffee2:

I will have a hot cup of :coffee2: waiting on your arrival :D.. bundle up :glasses7:
[ame=""]Da Yoopers - My Car Won´t Go - YouTube[/ame]
Got our first real snow today. Sure makes it seem like Christmas time...

Ma Snart


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More snow rolling in today...

Maybe enough to hit the trails with the snow machines...


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We got our first inch of snow for the year last night. Gonna stay cold so it looks like we might have a white Christmas!
No snow, 5 inches of rain here yesterday ..:coffee2:
More snow rolling in today...

Maybe enough to hit the trails with the snow machines...

:-D I would say so by looking at that picture, looks like Y'all let it snow as you enjoyed a cold drink :-D wow look at the snow on the machines 8)
Hi MeMike!

I must admit 2 things about the above picture.

1) You are absolutely correct about being parked at a bar getting some liquid courage - LOL!

2) The picture is from last winter not today, although it is snowing like crazy at my house now just like it was last winter. Here is a picture I just took out my back door.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mike!

Ma Snart


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Thank you :glasses7: I would do the same I bet 8) if I had a machine like that and snow on the ground, it has been well over 40 years for me .You and your family and friends have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well Ma Snart
Very cool, got 4" of fresh fluffy snow on Christmas eve, gonna go down hill sledding tomorrow, should be fun! We have been getting plenty of snow over the last month, starting to really add up now :glasses7:

Merry Christmas :cheers:
Got 7-8" of snow last night :glasses7:

Hey Keith and Memike!

We have been getting the snow all the time down here as well. Has been nice to open the garage door and just ride. One of the county's snowmobile trails goes thru my farm, so when I am not riding, we can watch the snowmobiles go by.

Had a big melt down last week that messed up the trails. Since then we have been getting enough snow to blow all over making drifts, but not enough to ride the trails.

Hope you all are keeping warm!

Ma Snart


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Took these last week, been hammered with snow. To make things worse, we have had over 55 days straight with below Zero temps, many close to
-30 and colder. To make things worse, the frost has gone deeper than ever before...(historic levels actually) I live right in the middle of the city and peoples pipes are freezing and I think they are 8 ft neighbors 2 houses down froze...I pray mine don't...the city has asked us to keep our city water running to prevent freeze up, my water temp from the faucet is 36-38 degrees...if I turn off it will freeze.....and another scary thing is when it starts to get warmer in Aprin, the frost can go even that's means the water has to run till atleast April.....I am ready for spring :banghead:

Yes...that's my mailbox buried in that snow bank peeking out......


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Sweet icicles Karl, careful so you don't "poke" an eye out!!!

Most of them melted with last week's thaw. I was able to break off a good 4 foot piece from the railing after it thawed and "pulled" away from the frame. It was like an icicle harpoon...

We're supposed to get more this weekend....

My snowblower is ready to go.... :cheers:

I grew up here, don't mind a little snow and cold. I'll take that over the 100° + temperatures in the south during summer... :banghead:

If the dog gets in his stubborn mood and tries to ignore me when I call him outside, I just throw a few snowballs at him to "catch his attention" and he then will obey. (Don't worry, I don't throw them too hard so I don't hurt him. I just need to catch his attention.) A good lob to hit him is all it takes.

He was getting cocky a few days ago standing near the wall of the house, so I threw a snowball at the wall and got him with the "splatter". He instantly became a "good dog", got him back in line again....

Dalmatians like to test you and challenge your authority once in a while. You have to show them who's in charge or they will "push you around"... I've been around them my whole life. I know most of their tricks. I'm on my 7th one myself. They are very smart.

My dad and grandparents also had a few also. A family tradition since '48. Four generations of our family have walked 7 or 8 generations of Dalmatians on the bridal paths in the forest preserve near my house. We also take them on a "special" path that was closed down for over 40 years where a bridge is washed out, but still passable. Some people in my town even own their own horses and walk them on the paths also. Watch were you step.... :banghead:
Yep, we're expecting up to a foot this weekend in my neck of the woods.
I am sooooo sick of the cold temps and snow.:banghead:
How disappointing, we barely got enough "dust" to cover the ground, not even worth moving (maybe with a leaf blower)...

We'll see what the next few days have....
............lots of it!! 7-8" so far here in central MN, still falling and more to come :glasses7:

Might have to take the big Olds 98 beater out for some do-nuts today!! Last pic shows tracks in my driveway where the girl who delivers papers plowed up it lol

Ok, time to get out my shovel, later!

Screw that ****, glad i moved to texas every winter. They are short. It was 81 degrees today. I pulled the cover off my 07 GT rolled her outta the garage, and went for a nice windows down , music up weekend drive.
Screw that ****, glad i moved to texas every winter. They are short. It was 81 degrees today. I pulled the cover off my 07 GT rolled her outta the garage, and went for a nice windows down , music up weekend drive.

But when we get to 81° up here, how warm will it be down there??? 100°, higher??? :banghead:

I'll take the cold and snow, so I don't get roasted in 100° + weather.... :color:

I can keep adding layers to keep warm in the cold, once I get naked in hot weather, I can't take anything else off to get comfortable as the heat keeps climbing.... :D
We have received 3'' here in northeast Arkansas , all schools and business that my sons and wife sent out e-mails saying no work tomorrow .. we are luck to have power , started out as sleet and rain and now I can't see my walk way ! enjoy...
Mike, I think you are getting what has been passing by us the last couple of days. If it holds together there is three waves of it coming your way along with record low temperatures.