Rani Day Auto Repair

Look at the support you have gotten here Rani. If you are the same on the street as you are online (and I am sure you are) you will not be a failure. And look at your life journey so far. If you ever have spare time you need to write a book! Way to go girl!
You can do it! Stay true to yourself and you will be fine.

Just remember, the customer is always right, while on the phone or in the store. Get all work orders and changes in writing.
So your last name is Day?
Just kidding with you.
You're a special person and will attract good people.

Document, document, document! Get an email address from customers if you can. Send estimates and others specifics that way. Got written proof should problems occur. Here's hoping you don't. Great name too! I was going to do RATS(Rice auto trans ser) years ago but ex shot down the name.
Just got back from the Nats to read this very good news!! I agree with all of the above suggestions about insurance and documentation, but by far the most promising idea invented by yourself so far is your niche market! It is an absolute great idea to create a business based on catering to the ladies, by a lady! IMO, your business will boom for the simple fact that I think you are highly qualified and capable, and by taking advantage of the fact that ladies do get taken by the male dominated repair industry, this is a great selling point to your business!! You really need to expound upon this by advertising the fact that you are a female yourself, and couple that with what will be your growing word of mouth clientele, I can see this really taking off!!

I know you're gonna do your best and give this venture every chance to succeed, I just wish you were around here, I would use you without question! You are one heck of a good mechanic, and many other aspects of the automotive industry for sure!! Good luck young lady, I'm very proud of you!! Geof
This is great news! Congrats and good luck. If you want it, it will happen. Do love the name.
Thanks everyone ....the response was better than I thought
Thanks Rockerdude...Mr Adam for this:


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Hey Rani I don't know what your business area includes...... but if it includes Kansas City the old 'Cuda could use a tune up! Haha!

Just kidding! Best of Luck!


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Thanks everyone ....the response was better than I thought
Thanks Rockerdude...Mr Adam for this:

You will do fine,
I drove an old hippie van like that in college, painted it white added aluminum slots with L-60's on the back.
Paneled the inside, threw new left over bright red carpet that was left over from my girlfriends house, built a bed in the back. Fun, reliable old buggy.
Traded it for a 70 SS nova that got me in alot of trouble.
Rani, I am so very proud of you. You are taking charge of your own destiny and get to write the pages in it going forward.
Hats off to rani! :D one day I intend to do the same thing. Lack of equipment is what stops me at the moment. Shine the light on someone's rani day and make it happen!
Good for you Rani!! Good luck! I ran my own business for 10 years... (golf car repair) it was a lot of fun!

Love the name BTW.
Best of Luck. Five years from now your going to wonder why it took you so long to make the move.
Your van reminds me of the "mystery machine" from Scooby Doo....

"We could have ripped off all those girls if it wasn't for the Rani Day auto repair meddling with our business....."
Your van reminds me of the "mystery machine" from Scooby Doo....

"We could have ripped off all those girls if it wasn't for the Rani Day auto repair meddling with our business....."

LOL .....you never stop making me laugh
That's great Rani. May good fortune follow Rani Day Auto Repair.

My wife was thinking of starting a dog grooming business. She was going to call it, "DOGGIE DO'S"

So, I don't know if I may have missed an update in a different thread; but.. Have you continued this venture? It certainly seems viable. Hope all is well.
Congrats and good luck - and - remember that you want to be respected by your customers, not liked - and they show respect by paying you what you're worth. No discounts or freebies!

Go get 'em!