1st fish!



Damn Right I Carry!
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Cortez, CO
I couldn't be more proud! Took Phoenix out with me today to test a real I had laying around. She picked up a blue worm from the tackle box and she said "use this daddy!" And I'll be damned if she didn't land a fish on the first cast out with it! I was casting for her since she doesn't quite understand how to do that yet, but by god she reeled it in all on her own!

The first few pics show her at the table playing with the old reel I took off. Just an ole cheap shakespier tiger
Forgive the pliers. It's the only way I could snap a pic and hold the fish at the same time without covering everything with my arm lol


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That's awesome. Great to have time well spent.
That's a nice fish too.

I thought this was gonna be about a Barracuda.
What a great day :cheers: out around the water fishing and enjoying life:color: That is a great catch and
like RustyRatRod :D I to thought it was gonna be about a Barracuda also :D
Making memories=M&M's , this put a big smile on my face :color:
Haha! Thanks mike! It's definitely an experience we will remember! I was gonna put the blue worm up for her scrap book, but it got snagged on a rock on the next cast an I was unable to recover it. :(
Haha! Thanks mike! It's definitely an experience we will remember! I was gonna put the blue worm up for her scrap book, but it got snagged on a rock on the next cast an I was unable to recover it. :(
Next trip to the fish supply store buy one like it it will last a long time and only you will know but the story will live on :color:
maybe fishing, the out of doors, spending quality time, ( not electronics?), will lead her to a life of quality and maybe an old car fish later??
Fish #2 caught this morning! 8)


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Looks like a baby pike?? Or muskie?? Congrats!! I think her next birthday you should be buying her a boat Chuck!
Where you fishing at? I know you're in CO, but what body of water?
Very nice to see you out enjoying a great fishing experiance, your daughter is a little cutie pie!

Thanks Stan! She's about as ornery as she is cute too

Where you fishing at? I know you're in CO, but what body of water?
The first fish was at narraguinnep reservoir and the second was at totten reservoir
The memories of the fish will fade but the memories of the days you spent with your daughter fishing and catching them will last you a lifetime!! That's time well spent! Now I'm wondering why I am here online when it's a beautiful Colorado day and the river is but a short walk away! CYA! LOL!
The memories of the fish will fade but the memories of the days you spent with your daughter fishing and catching them will last you a lifetime!! That's time well spent! Now I'm wondering why I am here online when it's a beautiful Colorado day and the river is but a short walk away! CYA! LOL!
get moving man!
Now this is the kind of thread I like! The best times I've ever spent with my kids were when we were holding fishing poles in our hands. I'm so glad to see you planting the seed at such a young age. She is one heck of a cute kid and lucky to have a great dad to share with her the best things in life.

Way ta go MoparDaddy!:thumrigh: