Help make this go viral please....

Got Scruff home early this afternoon. They cleaned him up pretty good. Still some stray gravel and tar here and there, it will have to wear off over time.

I had to work today and have not had time to get pictures, but I will tomorrow or Monday. He is in the master bathroom now and Kitty has the bedroom door shut. She has to be at work at 5 AM.

He has a sizeable chunk missing from his upper lip, broken tooth, fractured rib, fractured foot, most of his toes are ground halfway off various scrapes on his little legs and all on his belly pretty bad and his nose was scraped pretty bad......but the vet assures us that he will heal up and recover 100%.

He is a sweet little cat, purring instantly when you pick him up. I don't understand how people can be so mean.

I keep hoping that maybe he got caught up in a vehicle and fell out going down the road.....but it does not look that way.
That's over now,Rob. No reason in dealing with idiocy,when positive can help so much more now....
I have to admit, if I ever caught someone doing stuff like this, "remaining legal" might be pretty tough.
Dang Karl. He is ok. He is really sore, though, Hard for him to walk and move around so he is staying on his blanket we folded up under the dresser in the master bathroom. So far, the other cats are tolerating him. I have to work today but I will try to get some pictures either tonight when I get home or tomorrow.
The other cats will probably feel sorry for Scruff and take a liking to him, like you and Kitty have. Pretty soon he'll be entertaining y'all the way kittens do.
Sent a little $$$$. Take care of Scruff.
Thanks Wade. It's much appreciated. .....and all of you .

Here is another Scruffdate with pitchers. He cleaned up pretty good. Still kinda raw and sore but he is getting better. He loves attention.....but Kitty had a hard time holding him because he like me and wanted to come over in my lap instead. He is trying to follow me around but cannot quite walk good enough yet because of his paws and his broken foot. He will get better. They want to see him again in 2 weeks.


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Poor guy. And he wants to be friendly after all that and must be in some pain.
That's what I told Kitty. He has every right to hate people, yet he is very loving. He's gonna be a sweet cat. He eats like a pig.
Great to hear he's on the mend.
This is why I love animals more then humans. Most humans suck!
X2 A great thing you are doing for the little guy Rusty.
I hate people at times. Not much of a cat person but this kind of thing makes me sick. Glad to see he's in good hands. If you will pm me your address I will send some cash to help offset the food bill. Live long Scruff.:coffee2:
my buddy posted this today on face book

This is a rare rant that I am putting on here to vent about something serious and if you are offended in any way about what I say then please don't be an overdramatic facebook person saying you're offended and trying to get attention because you won't get it from me. Yesterday my girlfriend was going down Route 9 about by the Rod & Gun Club and saw something coming up n the middle of the road. When she got closer she found that it was a kitten that was injured. Both of its back legs were broke and it was in extreme shock as it was open mouth panting. Upon speaking to a few people that know a lot about animals we hypothesized that the kitten probably was thrown out of a vehicle because with the extent of its injuries and on a busy major road it would have never made it to the middle of the road. We could just see the pain and fear on the poor kittens face... It was heart breaking. We took it to Palmers... And I want to thank them for taking it in for no charge to see what they could do for it. When we got it inside the person on charge couldn't take it from fast enough because she could see the kitten was in serious condition. Unfortunately today we got news that it was too serious and they had to euthanize it. If this is the case of the poor animal being thrown out of a moving vehicle then all I have to say is to the asshole that commited this horrible crime against this poor defenseless animal... I hope you are in the back of any vehicle and you are pushed out by someone that has any kind of grudge against you and somehow a rope gets wrapped around your feet and you are dragged a mile down the road!!!!! You don't deserve to be walking on the face of this earth in my eyes and you should burn in Hell!!!!!! If anyone has any animal that they don't want please do this animal a favor and find a home for it instead of doing what this ******* heartless person did. In the case if said animal is a cat then bring it to a farm where they at least have a chance of living a normal life and actually do a service for the owner of the farm by keeping the pests away.
We've been pretty tight lately with our work situations both in question...

...payday is the end of the week/month, and I'll see if we can send at least something.
i too can send a few dollars to help out end of this week. just give me the paypal a ddress.
like I told a guy other day, " I realize I look like i'm wealthy, BUT i'm not!!!!! ( wearing holey jeans, boots, and pitiful hat)_
he laughed a good one.

and I tell people my dad invented the "Barbie" doll . and then tell them he lost it all in the horse and goat business.

glad the kitten is going good.