.08 BAC


Ben Drinkin

Hey bartender!
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Caribbean coast
Who was the genius that decided .08 was the threshold to trash someone's life? Some people at .08 are near normal functioning.. Some people at .02 shouldn't be allowed out in public..

I always thought it was about one's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, not just a money grab...

Heck, fat girls don't even get interesting til .12...

Rant over..
Who was the genius that decided .08 was the threshold to trash someone's life? Some people at .08 are near normal functioning.. Some people at .02 shouldn't be allowed out in public..

I always thought it was about one's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, not just a money grab...

Heck, fat girls don't even get interesting til .12...

Rant over..
Probably the same way someone decided what "normal" BP should be or blood sugar levels should be... someone somewhere years ago decided to eliminate the highs and lows that are "normal" for some and just say everyone's body should be within those parameters to be deemed normal. Or in the case of BA levels, that anyone above those levels must be impaired because that is the average that "most people" are impaired.
Problems BenRicky? Or just a rant to rant?
Just a rant.. I don't drink and drive since i have a company vehicle and one screw-up could cost me about 20k per year. Just frosts my *** that there's an arbitrary number out there that says 'You can't drive'.. The money grabs always get me going. Texas allowed open containers forever. You could drink a cold beer on your drive home..

Times have changed and city, state and federal govts always need more money..

They killed something that used to be enjoyable..

And UBER profits large!
All about $$$ they have to have a number to say you are what you ain't! I have had 2 over .08's and if you seen the videos you would never have believed one was .184 and other was .217. But it's all about politics and $!
When I was college (I took police science) we did a breatholizor test. I took one shot Jack daniels and blew over the limited waited 30 mins and blew a zero. It's all in how your body metabolizes it. But I do agree with you some people can function perfectly @.08 and others cant walk at .02 I personally think the driving limit should be .000 because of this! As a recovering alcoholic I dont drink at all anymore but when I did I drank and drove all the time. Stupid I know and I'm not bragging or proud of it. There were times I knew I was over the limit but still drove and I was perfectly capable of controlling my vehicle I never got in any accidents i think I even drove more carefully because I knew that if I got pulled over for speeding i was screwed. Imo it's just too risky to have a number on it because some people can drink a case of beer and drive home and never swerve others drink one beer and turn into evil knievel! I hate alcohol period it has ruined so many lives not only from accidents but also from an addiction aspect it takes over your life and mind and consumes you.
2 dui’s here did a little visit in a correctional facility.
Drink and drive? Not even 1 and not even on my lawnmower.
.08 im thinking is the average. But how long ago did they determine that? I almost think it needs to be revisited,as some cannot handle even small amounts.
I drink very little and when I do, I'm home. I was arrested in 1973 for DWI. That's all it took never have so much as a beer when I have to drive. Your lucky it's .08, if it were up to me it would be. 0001!
When I was college (I took police science) we did a breatholizor test. I took one shot Jack daniels and blew over the limited waited 30 mins and blew a zero. It's all in how your body metabolizes it. But I do agree with you some people can function perfectly @.08 and others cant walk at .02 I personally think the driving limit should be .000 because of this! As a recovering alcoholic I dont drink at all anymore but when I did I drank and drove all the time. Stupid I know and I'm not bragging or proud of it. There were times I knew I was over the limit but still drove and I was perfectly capable of controlling my vehicle I never got in any accidents i think I even drove more carefully because I knew that if I got pulled over for speeding i was screwed. Imo it's just too risky to have a number on it because some people can drink a case of beer and drive home and never swerve others drink one beer and turn into evil knievel! I hate alcohol period it has ruined so many lives not only from accidents but also from an addiction aspect it takes over your life and mind and consumes you.

I drink very little and when I do, I'm home. I was arrested in 1973 for DWI. That's all it took never have so much as a beer when I have to drive. Your lucky it's .08, if it were up to me it would be. 0001!

It's a flat zero here.
I used to drink beer quite a bit (like a 18 pack or more) every night for a couple of decades.
Never gotten a DUI or any other charges like that my entire life.
Finally about 6 years ago my Wife said I could buy my Mopar if I quit drinking and that was that man.:D
Not a drink since, and only miss it occasionally when I'm bored.
I don't drink what I'd call frequently. I'll enjoy a pitcher of beer if Kitty wants to go to the mexican joint. Nothin like Dos Equis Amber on tap with lime slices. Every now and then, I'll have some Fireball at home. I'm glad they nailed it down somewhere. I'm kinda like Roy though, the less the better with BAC.
Who was the genius that decided .08 was the threshold to trash someone's life? Some people at .08 are near normal functioning.. Some people at .02 shouldn't be allowed out in public..

I always thought it was about one's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, not just a money grab...

Heck, fat girls don't even get interesting til .12...

Rant over..
You asked...

The United States has a national blood alcohol concentration (BAC) standard of .08 that is based on more than 30 years of scientific evidence.

The science on how alcohol affects a person’s driving skills has evolved over the past 30 years which has led the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to establish the .08 standard.

Although outward appearances may vary and some subjects may feel that they are well in control, virtually all drivers are impaired at .08 BAC. Laboratory and on-road research shows that the vast majority of drivers, even experienced drivers, are impaired at .08 BAC in critical driving tasks such as braking, steering, lane changing, judgment, and divided attention.

These numerous studies prompted the distilled spirits industry to universally support the passage of .08 BAC laws as part of a comprehensive solution that included BAC education and public awareness of the law.

Blame robust scientific study and the makers of alcoholic beverages for agreeing on this standard based on 30 years of solid evidence that it is sound.

Your reality of conclusion may vary...but the validity of that conclusion is not supported by fact.
I enjoy drinks.

I do not drink and drive tho.

I wahile ago i had a beer at dinner and drove home, i felt sketchy as all get out driving home.

At the house i can drink a 6 pack and feel fine. Not sure if its a mental thing or what?
in CA a commercial license is a .04.

"..Does my BAC need to be 0.08% or higher to get a DUI?

The short answer is no. The police officer who pulled you over has the discretion to determine whether your mental faculties were impaired to the point in which you were unable to safely operate your vehicle. In this case, the officer would have had to observe you exhibiting behaviors consistent with a person who was impaired by drugs or alcohol. Similarly, in the event you were impaired because you used marijuana, your BAC would be 0.0%. But if the officer saw you swerving, driving too slow, or if you had been involved in a traffic accident, you could be at risk of facing DUI charges..."

What if you reeked of weed because you just came back from a Ziggy Marley concert but didnt smoke and you were driving too slow because all the loaded concert goers were jumping out in the street? Man, treat the cop like your girlfriends Dad, cause he can do to you what you've been doing to his daughter, but in a bad way.
No different than a speed limit. They have to create a hard number so there is no grey area. Cash grab?? Worth it when it saves innocent people's lives.
What's the alternative? Self policing? Lol, frig id love to see that...frickin shitshow
Up here its .08 DUI, jail license suspended for a year(1st offence)
.05 Vehicle impounded and license suspended for 72hr(I think).
Serious crackdowns.
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You asked...

The United States has a national blood alcohol concentration (BAC) standard of .08 that is based on more than 30 years of scientific evidence.

The science on how alcohol affects a person’s driving skills has evolved over the past 30 years which has led the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to establish the .08 standard.

Although outward appearances may vary and some subjects may feel that they are well in control, virtually all drivers are impaired at .08 BAC. Laboratory and on-road research shows that the vast majority of drivers, even experienced drivers, are impaired at .08 BAC in critical driving tasks such as braking, steering, lane changing, judgment, and divided attention.

These numerous studies prompted the distilled spirits industry to universally support the passage of .08 BAC laws as part of a comprehensive solution that included BAC education and public awareness of the law.

Blame robust scientific study and the makers of alcoholic beverages for agreeing on this standard based on 30 years of solid evidence that it is sound.

Your reality of conclusion may vary...but the validity of that conclusion is not supported by fact.
Perfect! Now if they will just impose the same strictness of penalty for 'texting while driving'.. IMO, as bad or worse than .08. My point is to address the actual danger vs the 'oops, your taillight is out, write a check for 10k.
Perfect! Now if they will just impose the same strictness of penalty for 'texting while driving'.. IMO, as bad or worse than .08. My point is to address the actual danger vs the 'oops, your taillight is out, write a check for 10k.
That is the rules Cops have to play by thanks to POS and their attorney's. Not enough to suspect impairment, they NEED another reason. They can stop me anytime and I'll blow in the breathalizer.
I got tested at .32 once. Of course I was in the ER with the left side of my face caved. It was long enough ago that they could not cite me because I could sign the consent form, being uunconcios!
Buddy is a DPS Officer in AZ (highway patrolmen). His personal record highest BAC was a .55. Person was a Native American female, 22 years old. The initial stop was not for erratic driving, was for illegal use of the HOV lane. She did not have a passenger. In AZ during off peak hours the HOV lane is open to any and all drivers, but during rush hour it is not. Buddy said that he could smell the alcohol as soon as he got to the rear of her car. She passed all the field sobriety tests. It was not until she submitted to a breathalyzer, which lead to a blood draw shortly afterwards. He recently pulled over a 30ish male who was all over the road. His BAC was .01....
Agree their should be equal enforcement for all impaired driving. JMHO but don't get behind the wheel if you have had one beer, one joint, pooped one pill cant keep off your phone or have something else potentially effecting your judgement. Got seriously injured by a drunk driver in 1983. Broken femur, shattered elbow, 2 crushed vertebrae & massive lacerations. Driver was my best friend as his passenger i was also drunk. He was also seriously injured. Woke us all up. Have not had a drop in my system as driver or passenger since. Still love my beer but only drink at house, neighbors house or one of several local pubs i can walk to.
3 years ago this past July, my Daughter, Lacee Sullivan was killed 4 days before her 24th Birthday by a 38 year old Woman with BAC level of .174! This was not the first time this woman had been driving drunk, she had a history of it, along with drug problems as well! She was so out of it when she killed my daughter that she thought her kids were in the car with her!

We had to fight like hell to get the 15 year sentence she got... normally in SC the maximum someone gets for Felony DUI is 3-6 years...yes 3-6 years... for killing someone. If you get caught with marijuana here in SC you get 30 years... but kill someone while intoxicated and you get 3-6.

So gripe all you want about who set standard BAC! Let me know when you’re having a normal day and you get the call that some DD has killed someone you gave life to or loved!

My condolences, and thanks for sharing your story T. Lacee is absolutely stunning.

Sooo who wants to squawk about bac now? Think about it.
Done my share of pushing the limit but no more. No alcohol period at any time. As for the driving issue see post #22, nothing more needs to be said------------do the crime---------do the time!!!!!
3 years ago this past July, my Daughter, Lacee Sullivan was killed 4 days before her 24th Birthday by a 38 year old Woman with BAC level of .174! This was not the first time this woman had been driving drunk, she had a history of it, along with drug problems as well! She was so out of it when she killed my daughter that she thought her kids were in the car with her!

We had to fight like hell to get the 15 year sentence she got... normally in SC the maximum someone gets for Felony DUI is 3-6 years...yes 3-6 years... for killing someone. If you get caught with marijuana here in SC you get 30 years... but kill someone while intoxicated and you get 3-6.

So gripe all you want about who set standard BAC! Let me know when you’re having a normal day and you get the call that some DD has killed someone you gave life to or loved!

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I'm so sorry for your loss! There has been so many lives ruined by people making bad decisions while intoxicated. Like I said before I hate alcohol not just for what it had done to me but for what it has done to millions of others.