Useless trivia


496 polara

moparts id gch
FABO Gold Member
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
North Carolina
Yesterday being Dec 7 (Pearl Harbor) I was a little surprised on my way home.I stopped at Dollar General for a few things and my total was 19.41. I was going to comment on that to the cashier but the metrosexual 20 something probably wouldn't have known what I was talking about.
Useless info I know but what are the chances on Dec 7?
Good stuff you should have said something these young folks need to know or at least think about it. Ukraine could happen here. Not to get political but just saying.
That's an interesting coincidence. It's also sad that you are very likely correct on your assumption on the cashier's intelligence, or lack thereof.
I work with young folks they weren't even thinking about it. Unless they see it on the news the date doesnt even resonate with them.
I quite often find myself buying things that cost $4.40 ...or variations of that. Even had a receipt for $440.60 once

It has been my lucky number for around 30 years now. Started way before I owned a Mopar. :)
I’m sure if you asked a kid when 911 took place, they wouldn’t know.
Someone told me 9-11 is taught in history class nowadays.

343 firefighters were killed on that day. Being a firefighter myself, I see the number 343 everywhere, but it’s not quite the coincidence that @496 polara experienced.
That's an interesting coincidence. It's also sad that you are very likely correct on your assumption on the cashier's intelligence, or lack thereof.

Lookie here. Just because than 20 year old brunnette cashier dyed her hair green and yellow, stuck a few dozen piercing do dah's in her extremities, that does not make her stupid!...... or does it!!???
Lookie here. Just because than 20 year old brunnette cashier dyed her hair green and yellow, stuck a few dozen piercing do dah's in her extremities, that does not make her stupid!...... or does it!!???
Lookie here. Just because than 20 year old brunnette cashier dyed her hair green and yellow, stuck a few dozen piercing do dah's in her extremities, that does not make her stupid!...... or does it!!???
Don't judge a book by its cover.

Don't judge a man till you have walked a mile in his shoes.
Went to a grocery store today, five employees pointed me to the woman who spoke English, she was good looking. Way to young for me, unfortunately
My dad @FISHYPETE was given a vintage pioneer MN license plate one time, when he looked at the number it just happened to be his full birthdate!! Crazy
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Most times the cover is very accurate. Only seldom is it not.
The older I get, the more I realize that covers usually pretty well describe the book. That doesn’t mean I don’t give everyone a fair shake, that’s just been my experience.
The older I get, the more I realize that covers usually pretty well describe the book. That doesn’t mean I don’t give everyone a fair shake, that’s just been my experience.
Mine as well.