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  1. Dartfreak75

    New Project

    I recently acquired my next project. I know I don't need a other one but I got an itch and has to scratch it! I've been wanting another square body dodge truck since I sold my 85 W150. So I got this one last Friday. It's a 88 D100 with a 3.9 v6. It's going to be swapped with a 5.9 magnum...
  2. Dartfreak75

    Heyya guys.

  3. Dartfreak75

    New project!

    Since this is not A body related ill stick this in general discussion. But I had to share with you guys. I just got my next project home a 1974 dodge challenger. It's a little rough around the edges but it's gonna make a fine project. I've got a couple videos up on my YouTube channel already...
  4. Dartfreak75

    Finally got a work shop.

    Finally after all these years I got a work shop yesterday. Its not a garage but it's better than what I had. And better than paying rent for storage. I got a metal sides 12x16 building. I've started moving all my parts and stuff in it already. I've built some shelves and started organizing. Im...
  5. Dartfreak75

    Schumacher Creative Services

    I just saw on Facebook they announced they are back in business and working on inventory! This is great news. Especially for us 73 and up slant 6 car guys. I hope they will be as great as before.
  6. Dartfreak75

    Double hump heads

    I'll be the first to admit that I know nothing about Chevrolet stuff. I know the common engine sizes and such but I have no clue on how to tell them apart. But ever since I was a kid I have always heard the term double hump heads for Chevrolet stuff you know them 300hp double hump heads on a...
  7. Dartfreak75

    Youtube merch

    I've been working on some merchandise for my YouTube channel so I designed a shirt today. What do you guys think? You like it ? Hate it? Anything I need to add or take away be honest. I haven't sent it in or bought any yet I want it to be right before I do. So I figured id ask you guys. Thanks...
  8. Dartfreak75

    DIY block hot tank

    I came across this on yt. I think this is a fantastic idea im gonna make one.
  9. Dartfreak75

    Race to 500

    Im sure alot of yall have seen @318willrun post about the no name nationals. Im gonna try to make it here is my video. I posted it on his thread I figured id start my own as well. I need 408 more! Lol More videos coming soon. Hopefully tomorrow
  10. Dartfreak75

    Spent all day working a car and it wasn't my dart.

    I spent the whole day working on my mountaineer last week i had to brake pads and found i had a bad wheel hub on the driver's front. So I ordered a new hub and replaced it today. Let me tell you that was a job. That sucker did not want to come out. I had to make a hub puller out of a piece of...
  11. Dartfreak75

    2021 hunting season

    Well the 2021 hunting season is officially underway it has been here since October 2nd but I finally got around to going this week. I went bow hunting Friday saw a small 4 point let him walk. And saw several does and a giant after dark. Went back the next morning, which was the first day of...
  12. Dartfreak75

    My next crazy project.

    Im sure you guys who follow my posts on here know by now I like to tinker and think outside the box. So today I started a project I have been wanting to do for a couple years now and just keep putting it off. Sorry It got dark on me and I didn't get any pictures so you will just have to...
  13. Dartfreak75

    Not exactly how I wanted to spend my day.

    Got up this morning with plans on working on the dart and maybe doing some more on the ram project well I had to move the mountaineer ( my everyday driver atm) to get the dart around back. Get in the mountaineer nothing just cranks won't start. Ugh! So I start diagnostics on it. I learned today...
  14. Dartfreak75

    Transmission fluid prices

    What the heck is going on with the price of transmission fluid? In January I bought 6 quarts for 29 bucks then on August 3 I got 6 quarts for 38 bucks that same 6 quarts is now 68 dollars! WTF?? This is for mopar atf 4. I can't believe this **** thats ridiculous. More than doubled in 10 months
  15. Dartfreak75

    Secret Santa?

    I know its a little early but im a big kid at heart and can't wait. Lol since Secret Santa retired are we gonna do it this year has anyone took of Santas job?
  16. Dartfreak75

    Agreed value?

    So im in the process of putting insurance on my dart. Im going through the application process I think I have decided to use Grundy, in your opinion what do you think I should ask for in the agreed value? I have a 1975 dodge dart swinger. The car isn't done yet I still have do paint and...
  17. Dartfreak75

    The rusty ram

    I started working on the rusty ram yesterday, put in alot of work today. Two summers ago I bought a another ram for parts so im pulling it apart and putting them on the rusty one. I got the 2 fenders and the hood switched over even got the passenger side painted. There is a little rust in the...
  18. Dartfreak75

    Damaged Mopar purple cam for sale?!?!

    All the posts and PMs got lost over the last few days to the member who I was gonna buy the cam and lifters off of pm me! I still want it. Sorry I can't remember the name of the member if anyone else remembers that post and remember his name please let me know so I can get a hold of him.
  19. Dartfreak75

    Any F150 owners here? 2018-2021

    Im in the preshoping phase of looking for a new everyday driver. I really want a new or newer full size truck and shopping between the big three the Ford really has caught my attention for a few different reasons. One the ecoboost, iv always been a v8 kinda guy and never even considered the...
  20. Dartfreak75

    This is why I can't get anything done

    Went out to work on the dart today, just wanted to get some of the small stuff knocked out I haven't done much since the beginning of May its just been too hot. Today was nice and cool overcast with a nice breeze, I get the car up on ramps crawl under it and immediately have 3 dogs setting on my...
  21. Dartfreak75

    Late model ford question

    Hey I gotta question for you guys that know more about late model stuff. I have a 04 mercury mountaineer with a 4.6 it has one of the oil change percentage calculators in the dash, no matter what it always says oil change required! I can change the oil right now reset it to 100 percent and drive...
  22. Dartfreak75

    Car show question

    Hello all. I want to get yalls general opinion on a matter. My new boss, is also a car guy we have got to talking about cars and such. He is a member of a car club that is somewhat local (about an hour away, 80 miles or so) he has a very nice restored 71 chevy c 10 with a 402. He invited me to...
  23. Dartfreak75

    Its official! Im a 'Cuda owner again!

    I made the almost 300 mile round trip today and picked up this 73 cuda. Its an actual cuda package car. I haven't looked at the fender tag yet to see what options it came with but it was a 318 ac car. It has a 83/4 rear-end. And that's about all lol its very rusty and stripped down. It needs...
  24. Dartfreak75

    Hagerty insurance

    The time has come to put tags and insurance on my car. Who has experience with Hagerty? I did a quote for 10k coverage its around 300 a year. I plan to up the amount later after its painted and finished but as it sets I think 10k is a fair amount. Let me know what you guys think of Hagerty good...
  25. Dartfreak75

    Anyone near NC/Va with a car trailer?

    Is there anyone on here near the VA NC area that has a car trailer they would rent or loan out? I have two cars to pick up and I was gonna rent a uhaul trailer but they keep giving me the run around when one will be available. I reserved one a month ago and they still haven't gotten it. Im...
  26. Dartfreak75

    New Projects.

    Well I accidentally stumbled across two new mopars to fix. They are not abods tho. But don't worry im not going anywhere and I will still post my progress here. The plan is to finish the dart first then start one. Of the new ones. Speaking of... remember the engine i stumbled upon on Facebook...
  27. Dartfreak75

    Wish me luck.

    Yall say a prayer, wish me luck, and all that good stuff. I put in for a promotion at work im going in for my 2nd interview today. I made it to the final 3.
  28. Dartfreak75

    New project engine its a Hemi!

    I started gathering parts for my next project build. Spoiler alart its gonna have a hemi. I got the engine today. Im gonna let yall guess what its gonna go in!
  29. Dartfreak75


    Just gonna leave this here! One of the best covers iv ever heard for this song!
  30. Dartfreak75

    YouTube channel

    Hey guys one of my new years goals is to start doing more with my YouTube I have had my channel for years but don't upload alot of videos and never really put much effort into it. Some of you guys have inspired me to want to do it so this year I want to give it a try. I'm working on some intro...